What is your favorite movie of all time?


The Man Who Would Be King

You too, apparently.

I was trying to decide between The Matrix and Lawrence of Arabia. And then Finding Nemo and The Lion King. But I, too, will say The- Lord-of-the-Rings-Trilogy. When I heard years ago that it was actually being made, I said with all seriousness, after I saw the trilogy I could die happy. Still here, though.

I’m not sure I can pick one favourite film, so I’m going to pick the film I always go to if I need comfort or cheering, and as such is probably irreplaceable - Edward Scissorhands.

If I only get one, I have to pick The Third Man as well! Plus, I think I’ve seen it more times than the other two on my top three list!

From Russia With Love.

It’s the stuff dreams are made of…

Casablanca. What, did you think I was going for some other film?

Once upon a time, my favorite was Braveheart. I have a hard time watching it now though.

hmmm, hard to pick just one. I guess I would go with Avatar. For now.

For a professional like yourself, we’ll waive the rules. What’s your top twenty list?

There can be only one:

The Godfather :smiley:


A couple of these are on my short list (Lebowski, Casablanca, Eternal Sunshine)

But the clear number one for me is The Princess Bride. It’s got everything - fencing, fighting, torture, revenge…

Local Hero, no question. I could watch it again and again and never get tired of it.

A fifth of Casablanca.



Guys, this is ridiculously easy, anyone who knows anything about directing, acting, story and timing would hands down pick Sound of Music. It took me a long time to get past the singing and dancing, I generally hate musicals, but this movie is a masterpiece, the likes of which will never be rivaled, and I cry for those who don’t see this to be an all-time winner (I understand if you feel the need to be macho and pick something else that’s got gore and action, however, most females will agree that this is one of the best movies, so take my advice and at least pretend to like it, gents).

I don’t always watch movies, but when I do…I prefer stories…

Animal House.

It’s been a very long time since I saw it. What things in particular make it your favorite, the story, cinematography, …?

Tough to pick just one, but if I must: The Big Lebowski.