What is your race?

Male 40 yr age bracket (unspecified due to crisis) - Lithuanian heritage but adopted by folks of Scottish descent. So I cked the “whitey” box.

Half Japanese, half mixed British. Sort of beige. Female, 32.

My kids look disappointingly un-Asian. Shouldn’t have married a white guy.

European ancestry is the plain vanilla of ethnic identification, any deviation from which is the fudge topping, whipped cream and cherry on top of an otherwise dull list of ancestry. I suspect that many of us are just proud to be different in some small way from our contemporaries. There may also be some overcompensation for all those years when Grandma wouldn’t speak on the subject because she thought it was shameful. I’m just glad my own maternal Grandmother wasn’t like that. Dad’s mom, OTOH, took any such secrets to her grave.

I am astonished that in a discussion about race no-one has yet mentioned NASCAR or Formula One.

Fixed that for ya. :wink:

“Redneck” is not a race.


This is an English language board and most of its members are American.

200 m hurdles.


mostly agree with you. I still love calling people out on it. My SO has people tell her her race all the time. Black, White, Asian, they all offer an unsolicited opinion.

My father was mostly German, my mother was 100% Irish; I, personally, am whiter than a glass of skim milk.

As of this post, it is 171 to 44. That is, the SDMB is about 80% white. That’s where the U.S. was back in 1789 (and 1990).

For all the cries by the racists that we are being overwhelmed by this race or that, I expected the U.S. results to be a lot more even.

Well, racists need a big buffer. I suspect a 4 to 1 white/non white ratio is a sign of impending racial decimation for some; they don’t want us getting any closer to parity. :wink:

When I saw the numbers this morning, I had a similar reaction to yours. I thought there’d be a larger percentage of non white representation. Then again, only a fraction of board members respond to such queries, so the actual numbers are probably higher for non whites than we see in the poll.

My race?

The 100 Yard Dash, why do you ask?

White (non-Hispanic) - 80.58%

Nice to see we’re a representative cross section of the global community…

My guess is that Cherokee ancestry is simply easier to document. Unlike Ward Churchill, I have documents proving that I have two Cherokee ancestors. It’s entirely possible, perhaps even likely, that I have other Indian ancestors, but I have no reason to believe so and no documents to support it.

And it seems to be a thing with white Americans to claim an Amerind ancestor or two. Makes us feel more authentically American or something.


Meh. I’ve seen a few albinos. And calling ourselves “pinks” would be so gay.

LOL! Good one!

Yeah, but there are nonwhite albinos.

400 meters.

“slightly”??? The SMDB poll shows 81% white non-hispanic, your wiki source says 64%. That’s hardly slightly. SMDB poll has 2% black, wiki has 12.6%. Not even close. SMDB poll has 0.8% Hispanic, wiki has 8.6%. The SMDB population is definitely not as diverse as the U.S. It is what it is. Not saying it’s good or bad. Really irrelevant to me.