what it means to earn your red wings (TMI)

So, I made a new acquaintance. He has a tattoo of red wings and I didn’t know the signficance of it. Apparently it means he is willing to “eat carpet” at certain times… I have asked a few other friends if they have heard of that and they acted like this is common knowledge. I feel so uncool for not knowing!


imagine a child’s face after eating a melted chocolate bar.
:eek: :eek: :eek:

He says they actually refer to it as “clown faced”. :eek:

Ew. Ew. EW!
That is NOT what I learned it meant. I learned that it meant that you had sex while the girl was menstruating. Upon completion of the act, one “finger-paints” a set of wings on the chest of the man using the resulting red-colored mix of bodily fluids, thus he has earned his “red wings”.



How’s this?

My Navy ex-boyfriend told me it was oral sex during menstruation. There were also gray wings, for intercourse with a woman over 40, and blue wings for being blueballed (sorry, I can’t think of a way to put that in technical terms). Why would you want wings for being blueballed?

I can confirm “red wings” as being oral sex performed on a woman who is mentruating. I first heard the term being used seven years ago at an EFNet party in Atlanta…

Usually followed by some sort of chunky salsa comment. :stuck_out_tongue:

Why do I open these threads? WHY do I open these threads? The OP title warned TMI, so why do I open these threads?!?!

I only blame myself.

This is an old Hell’s Angels term. At least they popularized this. Comes from at least the 1950’s. See Hunter S Thompson book Hells’ Angels, A terrible and Twisted Saga

I second China Guy’s origin. I’ve always heard it from bikers.

I heard it from a Navy 'Nam vet who claimed it was a term they used when he was over there. He told me this in 1984. He defined it as eating pussy during her time of the month.


Kinda like getting a Purple Heart, I suppose.

You’ve forgotten white wings and brown wings. Use your imagination. :wink:

Firstly, over 40 isn’t necessarily old and gray and secondly if one is gray it doesn’t rub off on someone else.
I first heard the term “red wing” from a group of young men in IRC a couple years ago.

You gonna argue with the Hell’s Angels?

FWIW, I don’t find the act of earning “red wings” very bad or even out of the ordinary, especially if I’ve had a few drinks. If I actually got little plastic wings I’d probably have a drawer full of the things.

Now some of the other wings I’ve read about in Hell’s Angels books…:eek: You don’t even want to know what purple wings are.

The first time I heard this term, oddly enough, was in 9th grade in Catholic school. I’m not sure what this fact implies about either Catholic school or the Hell’s Angels, but I’m sure there’s a correlation to be made.

I remember hearing the term when I was growing up. This is how it was explained to me.

The first time you perform oral sex on a girl you ‘earned your wings’. The term may have come from being in front and having the girl’s legs over your shoulders.

You earned your red wings during her period.

You earned your white wings after intercourse.

Never heard of brown wings…

Not unlike looking at a bad car wreck, now I want to know. Geez, i hate not knowing stuff even stuff I know I am going to regret asking…

The next time I hear some rabid homophobe describe the sex life of us gay people as “disgusting,” I shall remember this thread.

We are all more alike than different.

I googled it. I admit it. Yuck.