What kind of superhero are you?

Meant for little kids, so I thought it would be appropriate for us Dopers. :wink:

What kind of superhero are you?


Rock on!

I am a Super Ninja. You know, I have always sort of suspected that to be the case.

I have super dance moves. I guess that works. I will see a villain and copy their moves thus ensuring my survival. I guess people can call me Vogue!

I was a Super Animal Handler.

Damn hamsters! Gaaaarh!


Wicked! i’m a Super Ninja too!.

I’ll use them to sneak into enemy’s kitchen and empty their fridge of any tasty-looking goodies. That way they’ll be too weak and anaemic to do anything nefarious.

Super Guts

When the forces of Evil really start to hit the fan, when the Flipside Super Universe is really headed for all-out battle and the Superheroes are all getting a little skurred, who will come to the rescue? That’s right, you. You and your Super Guts. You’ll be the one that knows for sure that the battle can be won, and you’ll be the one brave enough to jump in front of the Evil Army and be all “DUDES! CUT IT OUT! WHAT’S UP WITH ALL THE EVILNESS?”

I’m really not sure what this means.

Whatch out Mangetout in flipside I’m a Super Chef!

Oh yeah …

Super Mind-Reading Skills
pout I wanna be a ninja… mumble mumble silly test mumble

Super Ninja here, too. I’m beginning to wonder about that 11% statistic, though. . .

Super guts. Horse feces. The ballsiest thing I ever did was tell a girl my feelings for her, and she shot me down like the Red Baron. Screw guts. I wanna be something like Super Ninja Pimp Masta Sniper.

Oh, man. I wanted to be a ninja. This is completely laughable, but I am:
Super Fly Dresser

They must mean someone else…

master of the superhug

Hey, I’m a Super Fly Dresser too. Yeah, right… Like Super Ninjas from around the world line up outside my house to borrow my Faded Black Fundraiser Tees of Justice or my Pink (Formerly White Until I Forgot to Separate My Laundry) Opaque Nylons of Ass-Kicking.

Sounds like a super ninja is pretty common. Super Dancers only make up 30% of the test takers. :stuck_out_tongue: Be gone peasant ninjas. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

“evil forces always hate vanilla”?

I’m also a Super Fly Dresser.

But then we knew that, didn’t we? :wink:

[sub]even if Esprix did tell me nekkid is better.[/sub] :smiley: