I just want to make sure I’m not missing out on anything. I’ve learned what Hi Opal! meant a few weeks ago. I just learned what whooshed meant today.
Is there anything else I’m missing? I don’t like being out of the loop…
I just want to make sure I’m not missing out on anything. I’ve learned what Hi Opal! meant a few weeks ago. I just learned what whooshed meant today.
Is there anything else I’m missing? I don’t like being out of the loop…
manny peoples
Help an under 1000 post sista out?
I encountered cow-orkers about 4 years ago in a chat room, so it’s not exclusively SDMB. Sorry to burst the bubble, UncleBeer!
What about OG smite!
“Whoosh” is specific to the SDMB? Why, I’ve been using that one since I was a wee lad, long before I came here. Still to this day, many of my non-Doper friends use that one.
Um. At least I think that’s unique to us - but I’m sure there’s someone out there who uses it in a totally different way.
I could be wrong (and I probably am) but I don’t think I’ve seen DNFTT (Do Not Feed the Trolls) on any other message board or website.
How bout Socks n Trolls?
This is the only board I post to, so they be used on other boards for all I know.
they could be used
Doper (obviously)
Ever hear of AIDS???
and, of course:
gesh I hope you are careful!
(ducks and runs)
Manny. Um, there was a poster several eons back, back when granny was just a little shaver, who spelled “many” with one too many M’s – “manny.” In the light-hearted joshing way so peculiar to this Board, misspelling it that way because a means of mocking him. (And, fear not, he richly deserved it.) It then sort of mutated and because a general board thing. But not very manny people do it anymore.
Similarly: Og. Recently, a poster was ranting repeatedly about religion and he couldn’t seem to master his keyboard sufficiently to type “Son of God” – he consistently typed “Son og God.” This led to the usual mockery and merriment (which he also richly deserved) and the idea that Og is a god (although apparently a monosyllabic caveman god) and one must not make Og angry because if one does – Og smash! Og smite! Some would tell you Og is the Board god, but of course he is not – Cecil is.
“Hi Opal” comes from Opal’s perfectly correct believe that a list must have at least three items – two items is not a list. Therefore, a list of two would be added to by adding the third item: “Hi, Opal!” This in turn mutated to making “Hi, Opal!” the third item in any list, which was not actually her point, but I don’t think she minds.
“Woosh” is the sound of something flying over your head – meaning, you didn’t get it. It is not board-specific, and people have been saying it IRL for years.
Gaudere’s Law is board specific and means that if you post to snippily correct someone else’s grammar or spelling, you will yourself make a grammar or spelling error in your post.
Godwin’s Law is not board specific, but means that any heated debate about any subject will only last a given number of posts (three? ten?) before someone mentions Hitler, Nazis, Nazi-ism, or someone is called a Nazi.
“Gotcha ya!” is board specific and is a mostly good-hearted way of indicating goofiness or a lack of smarts. It’s from Wildest Bill’s mis-post that he would like to come back at his funeral to sit up in his casket and shout “Gotcha!” – except he put “Gotcha ya!” leading immediately to the usual mockery and merriment.
Some references to circumscision and the Tug A’hoy reference a particularly demented and one-note poster by the name of Jack Dean Tyler – his are threads worth looking at if you don’t mind the seriously crazy and you have a lot of time.
“Stainless Steel Dorrance No. 5 Hooks” refers to some poor girl who had her own webpage about how she wanted to have her forearms surgically removed and replaced with metal hooks – but not just any old metal hooks: the stainless steel Dorrance No. 5 hooks. (This was not on the board, thank God, but was the subject of a thread.) It’s another reference generally intended to indicate a serious mental imbalance.
Trolls are people who post to yank others’ chains. They are “trolling” for a response. The term is not board-specific – trolls are everywhere!
Sock-puppets or “socks” for short are people who post with multiple user names – something that is now STRICTLY FORBIDDEN so DON’T DO IT – so that they can agree with or defend themselves – kind of like if you were saying one thing and you had a sock puppet on your hand to agree with you. Sometimes you will hear of banned posters returning under new names, and the new name as being a “sock” for the old name, but, strictly speaking, they are not.
“Do you have a cite for that?” is kind of a Great Debates joke (and about as funny as most Great Debate jokes), in that it is the most common demand in GD, where you’re expected to back up your assertions with something more than your say-so. This occasionally leads to exchanges like, “The sky is blue.” “Do you have a cite for that?” – i.e., extremism that becomes ridiculous.
So there’s a few 'splanations for you.
Do you have a cite for that?
Seriously, Jodi, a really nice job!
A couple more:
Wally refers to WallyM7, who was a very nice and funny man who posted here and made a lot of friends, both on and off the board, and who died suddenly and tragically in a work-related accident. He is to this day greatly missed and fondly remembered, and you will see “signature by Wally” (he gave people custom sigs), references to him, and quotes by him.
And POLYCARP is of course the soul and conscience of the Board. Mess with him and people you’d never expect to see allied will line up with flamethrowers.
Thanks, Jodi! Now…use all of them in a sentence.
I like pie.
Cow-orkers is, I believe, a Dilbert-ism.
Cow-orkers is from many years ago when Scott Adams, the Dilbert cartoonist, had an email list.
Sock and troll (and DNFTT) are from the very early days of Usenet.
I am fairly certain that “Og smash” is an oldie too. It looked familiar but I can’t place it.
There’s no actual number given. Godwin’s Law simply states that, as the number of posts/replies in a thread increases, the likelihood of someone or something being compared to Hitler, Nazis or Nazism approaches 100 percent.
This never made any sense to me, since the likelihood of anything happening in a thread approaches 100 percent as the number of posts/replies increases. Then I heard the all-important second part of Godwin’s Law – once that comparison is made, whomever made it is immediately deemed to have lost the argument and the thread is over.
I believe the term “goat-felching” is uniquely SDMB. Feel free to correct me of I’m wrong. And I’ll leave it to someone else to explain!