what magazines to subscribe to ?

although i admit that with internet there is much less incentive to pay for magazine subscriptions i still subscribe to a few, namely

scientific american ( like it )
mit’s technology review ( like it )
road and track ( my friends like it )
muscular development ( my favorite mag )
pc magazine ( rather weak )

i also get FHM for free ( won’t complain since its free )

what else should i get ? is there some good magazine on computers ?

what about FHM-like magazines, which ones are good, Rolling Stone ? MAXIM ?

I’ve got magazines coming out my ears vasyachkin! I’m convinced they’re breeding…it’s a bit disturbing really. Not sure why I have so many, but…sigh…I just do.

I have EVERY home magazine…I’m an interior designer, so I have a viable excuse for that.

Conde Nast Traveler
Oh there are too many too ennumerate!!

What do you do when those cute little kids come door to door selling magazine subscriptions? Gah, I hate to say no to them!!
I swear I am made of jello. I’ve tried hiding, but I swear they know I’m hiding.

Uh oh…I just realized you’re asking for magazine subscription suggestions. Sorry, I misread your OP!! eeek. Thought you were asking what magazines we subscribed too. I need sleep. :smack:

Ah, magazines, my own personal kryptonite. I get Maxim. It’s pretty good. I think it’s the best of those magazines.

I stopped reading Rolling Stone years ago. They recently go a new managing editor and had a run of magazines with people like the American Idols on the cover. If you are looking for a serious music magazine, I suggest Uncut, a British mag that comes with a CD of the latest music. They talk a lot about old music, though. Blender, by the Maxim people, has tons of reviews of the latest tunes.

Dunno about good magazines about computers.

I have a certain weakness for Reader’s Digest. Lots and lots of things to read, wide variety. Also Consumer Reports. They don’t pull any punches. Like history? Try American Heritage.

You know, to be honest, there are so many out there, for so many distinct interests, that I doubt my suggestions would be too helpful to you. Do you have a Borders, or similar giant bookstore near you? They always have decent collections of mags. It might just be a matter of buying a few and seeing if they are any good. That’s what works for me.

PC World’s a pretty basic computer magazine, and most people like it. You should check into it.

You should also check out Testosterone, a free online weight training magazine.

A plug for Business 2.0. I think it has a good mix of fact, perspective and a little humor that would appeal to many Dopers. For example, an annual summary of the 100 dumbest business moves of the year.

I highlt recommend The Fortean Times to all dopers. Your source for all things bizarre but with documentation. It started in 1973, so it must be good :smiley:

I highly recommend The Fortean Times to all dopers. Your source for all things bizarre but with documentation. It started in 1973, so it must be good :smiley:
Preview is my friend


Read a couple of books by Vance Packard so you will notice what THE ECONOMIST never talks about.


Otherwise it’s a great zine. I hear Marx read it.

Dal Timgar

Okay, now I’m curious. I used to subscribe to the Economist. Can you provide a summary of what those books are about? What does the Economist never talk about?

The Week. Worth every penny, it will make you seem lots smarter about current events.

I dabble with a lot of magazines, but I subscribe to and read only three consistently:

  1. The New Yorker - deserving of its reputation. Sometimes a bit lofty, but the articles are incredibly well written and interesting, and the fiction is literate to a level rarely found elsewhere.

  2. Entertainment Weekly - I love pop culture and feel like EW provides a reasonably intellectual point of view as to what is out there and whether it is worth my time and/or money. I appreciate it as a filter and also to know what is Hot, even if I want no part of it…

  3. The Economist - I trust it more than any American-based news source, except maybe the New York Times…

What? No mention of Discover?

It’s been my favorite since 1991 (I miss Science Classics, tho).

Skeptical Inquirer

National Enquirer
Reader’s Digest
Ladie’s Home Journal
Texas Monthly

What? :cool:

I really like Outside Magazine. Great travel articles, as well as current environmental issues, personal interest, fitness, outdoor sports, etc.

For music, I’m getting Spin for free, and it’s pretty good. I like the British mag Mojo, but it’s spendy by the issue, and I’m not sure that US subscriptions are available.

I’ve also been getting The Week for free, and it looks good, but le sigh a new one shows up before I even get a chance to look at the previous week’s. In the past, I’ve subscribed to The Nation, but had the same problem, and let my subscription lapse.

Stuff is another FHM/Maxim type magazine that seems OK, though I’m not a dude, and don’t really read the free issues I get.

In the past, I’ve gotten Car and Driver, which I prefer slightly over Road and Track.

Used to read Muscle and Fitness avidly, but haven’t been hitting the gym as regularly lately. When I do, I pick up M&F Hers, which isn’t quite as hardcore.

I also subscribe to Horse and Rider, and like Equus and Practical Horseman, but you’re probably not interested in those.

*Tapioca! ** I read Fortean Times too.

I no longer feel alone in this world knowing that someone else out there reads about Nazi UFO’s and other Secrets of the Third Reich

It is pricey for the subscription though, and at $7.25 an issue at the store, but the 17 other books I must have, it’s freakin’ expensive. I can’t complain, there are no lipstick ads or ’ how to have earth shattering sex right now’ articles.

Speaking of that: How’s the sex life? :smiley:

Oooh, I should have put a GMWTFH*

*Great Minds Wear Tin Foil Hats.

I live, eat and breath magazines. It is (literally) my profession. Got a question about how they work? I’m your man.

Because of that I have almost none at my home. I get:

National Geographic (I have almost 40 years worth)
My Big Backyard (for the three year old)

I subscribed to Baseball America and Discover a few years ago because the poor kid who called me up telemarketing was so bad I had to walk her through her script and close the sale for her.

I subscribe to:
The classic motorcycle.
Classic bike.
Classic bike guide (anyone notice a theme here?).
And I joined the Antique motorcycle club of America www.amca.org because they have an awesome magazine/newsletter thingie.
Car & driver.
Maxim (I got a super cheap long term subscription when it came out and it used to be excellent oil rig fodder).
