I can’t get anything to make sense in the Acronym Finder universe.
Your Post Amuses Me.
ETA: it is a more honest way of saying ‘LOL’. Learned it here on the SDMB.
Thanks! That fits and makes me feel better! I had feared it might indicate something was amiss with my ancestry!
I thought it was going to be a typo for “your place or mine”.
Oddly enough, one of the hits I did find was “Your Place And Mine.”
Ah. That’s clearly the more intensive version.
Could it be the Cyrillic charachters for Ural (motorcycles)?
That’s surely an interesting viewpoint. I can’t rule it out.
Another possibility that I can’t connect with is Your Pocket Adding Machine
And if you removed the “J” from YJPAM I could see some relevance to the context I encountered.
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