What More Could Lucas Do to Annoy Fans?

New CGI droid, who’s very helpful and talkative.
“Looks like you could use some help with that trash compactor!”
“Gee, thanks, Clippy!”

  • Add Vader’s “Noooooo!!!” to the Falcon’s escape at the end of Empire.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen those particular words written that particular order.

Change it so that Vader never actually kills anyone with the Force. After he chokes them and promotes the next in line, they show the chokee coughing and wheezing as he gets off the floor and stumbles away. Totally nerf the Sith just to show that Vader’s not completely evil.

Recolor Vader’s armor and the Emperor’s robes bubble gum pink to be more “family friendly”.

I recommend Unicorn patterns, as well as those temporary tattoos for kinds. (The Emperor can be shown applying a lick’em-stick’em tattoo of a tie fighter for product placement pormotional purposes.)

Product placement - the main dish of the Death Star now sports the Pepsi logo.

It’s not like he has much competition for the title.

I would replace all the original characters with historical cartoon characters.

Luke is now Elmer Fudd.
Yoda is Bugs Bunny.
Replace Darth Vader with Foghorn Leghorn.
The Emperor is Wile E. Coyote.
C3PO is Scooby Doo.

Along with Vader’s "NOOOO!!!"put in the Wilhelm Scream when Palpy falls down the shaft. And have him bounce off the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon before he hits the reactor.

Tack the Star Wars Holiday special on to the beginning of “The Empire Strikes Back” and say that this is the way the movie was intended to be released.

Further, have the whiny partof Annie’s psyche reassert itself as he goes after the Emperor. And have Palpatine begging him to stop, desperately offering various inducements to reconsider. This culminates in the following exchange(shamelessly borrowed from The Princess Bride):

"Palpy:"What do you want?!
Annie: “I WANT MY MOMMY!!!”(toss)

After this, we need some comic relief so Vader clutches his chest and says “I’M COMIN’ PADME!!!”

At which point we could have a good Top Chef tie in.

Like this?

Yup. People in the office are staring at me. :smiley:

Right at the middle of the movie switch the story to a courtroom drama:

-General Vader, did you order a Code Red on Captain Needa?
-You’re damn right I did! I take my breakfast in my breathing apparatus every damn fucking morning, with four thousand Rebels trained to kill me watching me gulp my Jawa! You want me on that wall!

:slight_smile: Love it

-Jar Jar to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine.

  • Whenever Jar Jar’s not onscreen, all the other characters will be asking, “Where’s Jar Jar?”

Princess Leia and/or Queen Amidala nude scenes. That would really annoy me.

Or, Lucas could snap and go completely the other direction; turn the series into some bloody shockfest. “Funny, I didn’t remember seeing Jabba sucking down Leia’s intestines like spaghetti when I watched this as a kid.”

Include this classic line: “Hello. I am Luke Skywalker. You are my father. Prepare to die.”