What movie is this? Mars? Hell dimension? Hmmm?

Hiya everyone… I’ve got a real stumper I’ve not been able to have answered anywhere else, so I turn to my last resort and place where I know I must be always (wink wink) able find the answers… this board!

Many years ago, in the mid-80’s… I remember seeing a movie… or parts of it anyway. My memory is hazy so these may describe the movie in question somewhat incorrectly, but here goes:

-the movie was probably a science fiction or fantasy type of film
-I only vividly remember one scene, which may have been the moon or mars, and this explorer man or something was on it… and it turned out to be a more hell like dimension – not because of creatures attacking him (I don’t recall any of those) – but because it just had this aura of menace
-IIRC the music was very ambient and creepy and disturbing
-I remember there were a lot of red-tinted (maybe?) visuals in the film, which is why I stated it might have been Mars… I don’t know…
-it was like the man character in the movie longed to go back to his comforting Earth home and I think he did, and he woke up and it was all a dream – or somehow “magically” got back there . . . I don’t recall this well at all. Argh

My apologies for the vagueness, I’ve been wondering about this for over 15 years now!

Does this match up with anything from that time period? Obviously Event Horizon is too new (and gory, LOL) and it’s not Total Recall – and films like Poltergeist I have also looked into (esp. that otherworldly sequence in some of those movies) and they didn’t quite match up… I’m at a loss, to say the least.

Anyone :)?

Is it Angry Red Planet? Maybe that’s too old, but it’s certainly very memorable, and creepy, and incredibly red.

In 1986, Tobe Hooper did a remake of the 1956 movie, Invaders from Mars. Could this be it?

Maybe Phantasm, or a sequel?

Try associative memory; if you can recall what you were drinking or smoking at the time, get some of that, and the movie might come back to you. Works for me.

Couldn’t be Galaxy of Terror, could it? How about Grease II? That’s a scary one.

The Man Who Fell to Earth? His flashes to his home planet?

What about Darkside of the Moon? Not the Floydd album, but there was a sci-fi horror film as well. Could have been that.

GuanoLad, Papermache Prince, Enola Straight, merrily, El Elvis Rojo… thank you SO much for all your suggestions… I’ve got some familiar and not-so-familiar names here! I really appreciate the help. In summary:

-I’m a big Phantasm “Phan” and I’m sure that wasn’t it… the movie was more menacing in tone than outright gory (and no ice cream vendors I can remember either)

-never heard of Invaders From Mars (the remake), I’ll have to look into that

-Angry Red Planet I’m not familiar with, ditto!

-LOL… I wasn’t drunk or smoking at the time… I was just a wee tot, actually… HAHA… Grease II was scary but nah that’s not it, I don’t know about Galaxy Terror. Another one to check out.

-It was a color film for sure… not a black and white one

-I’ll also look into Man Who Fell To Earth, isn’t that the one with David Bowie ;)?

-I like the floyd album of “Darkside of the Moon” but didn’t know there was a movie with the same name. Okay, yet another to check out!!

Thanks everyone!! :smiley:

Okay… narrowing it down… after a bit of further exploration… I don’t think it was Angry Red Planet because I don’t remember any “unrealistic” space monsters or aliens or any types of creatures like that – sorry I should have mentioned that, it was just this creepy vibe (without monsters I think?)… so it likely could not be Invaders from Mars either.

Galaxy of Terror’s description makes it kind of sound like Solaris, or Event Horizon or something? It seems too far out for the movie I saw though. Although the part about “confronting one’s nightmares” is vaguely familiar.

I can’t rule out The Man Who Fell To Earth yet… the original was made a bit too early unless it was shown again and I saw that – but the TV version apparently aired in 1987 …

Dark Side of the Moon (1990) doesn’t seem to be it either although the time period seems right. What I saw didn’t seem too much like a B-movie. Hmm… I wonder if it was an episode of New Twilight Zone or something but I looked through those and it didn’t seem to match, unless I missed something.

My apologies again for being so vague, I am grasping at brain-straws like a scarecrow!
I should also mention I remember I saw this movie on night time TV, not on the big screen… so it wouldn’t have been that violent or anything; or otherwise, quite censored.

Thanks again! :slight_smile:

It wasn’t “Robinson Crusoe on Mars,” was it?

Is Galaxy of Terror the one where the woman gets raped by a giant caterpillar? I saw that when I was a kid and it still makes me sick every time I remember it.

Lemur, that’s the one. Galaxy of Terror was my thought upon reading the OP as well.

Featured Erin Moran (Joanie, of Happy Days fame), a very young Bob Englund (Y’member that Freddy Kreuger fella?), Ray Walston of all people, and a big bald dude with a pair of throwing crystal… thingies.

A head trip of a flick, as I recall.

The premise was that the planet this crew found themselves on forced each to face their own greatest fear/phobia. And it pretty much runs straight into the ground from there.

Galaxy of Terror was a Roger Corman production, with all that implies. One of many cheapo movies that wanted to capitalize on Alien’s success.

Good luck, Bingowah, and I’m sorry for teasing you. I’ve had the same experience, and in a couple of cases it’s been literally years before I suddenly realize where an image in my mind came from.

Robinson Crusoe on Mars… I’ve never checked that one out, Ranchoth. I’ll have to. Thanks everyone for your help again. And don’t worry about the kidding Baldwin, as it was just kidding and I actually found it funny but I would have been too young to have that sort of “hazy memory” at the time, LOL!!

Could it have been The Martian Chronicles? It was a made-for-TV miniseries in the '80s, and the dream sequence sounds right.

Steelerphan, thanks ! Actually this one sounds pretty close… WOW… I can’t say with 100% confidence that this is the right one, but it does sound right to me. Only thing is it aired in 1980 and I’m sure I saw it many years later, so it would have had to be a repeat showing or something. This may be the one . . after all those years! I Can’t believe I forgot this one because I am familiar with some of Ray Bradbury’s works.

P.S. I know I said earlier, nothing about space monsters or that sort of stuff, but it’s perhaps because the aliens portrayed in this Martian Chronicles can shapeshift (apparently one of them turns into Jesus Christ? Maybe that’s a memory I had to repress!) that, that didn’t come to mind.

Thanks all for your help again. Now I can free up some space in my head!

BTW, if it is from “The Martian Chronicles,” the story “Mars is Heaven” also was filmed as one of the eps from the “Ray Bradbury Theater” series, featuring Hal “Barney Miller” Linden.


Raped? I thought it ate people?