I’m sure I’m covering old ground here, but please humor me. What did they call you when you were younger? I was Waldo in junior high. I was Little Punk, Peckerhead, or Pista in college. I am not currently using a nickname right now.
I’ve only ever had two nicknames really–
Screeme (pronounced Scream)- Which is a detailed story-- possibly fit for the “What motified you” thread. Suffice it to say that the nickname was a way for people to remind me of this. Now I don’t care, but at the time it was emberassing. (It is short for Sportscreme and NO I was not caught using it to masterbate or anything.)
Topher- I worked with a Christina, and we both went by Chris. She kept Chris because she was there first and I got Topher. I now go by this from almost everybody because I like it much better.
There’s also topher “tuesdays” and “lawn” (because my last name is a lot like mower).
Due to it’s closeness to the actual spelling of my REAL name, the only thing I have ever been called consistantly is Ham Hock.
I mentioned to my wife one time that while I generally refer to her as ‘babe’, ‘honey’, ‘darling’, etc, she usually calls me by my name. She inquired if I wanted her to start calling me by “little terms of endearment”? I said
“Master would be nice.”
She didn’t think it was funny. Maybe that’s why now she calls me SmartAss.
Brillo head & grunt: because of my hair and deep voice respectivley
As a kid, I was called Rye. (Basicly a short form of my real name.)
This evolved into “Rye-Guy”.
Bigg Bagg (little bro was Bagg)
Sweet William
Wild Bill
Dumb Willie
Billy D
Big Bill
Therapy (buddy was Chemo - we had v short hair)
Forest, as in Gump
My dad used to call me “Scooter”, which my buddies shortened to “Scoot” in high school.
In college, in the group of friends I hung out with, there was already a Scott, but they deemed that I was far superior to old Scott (who was nicknamed “Potato” on account of his being lumpy and having eyes), and so I was given the title “New & Improved”
I kinda like it.
Jelly Bean, Shortcake, Red and Snorlax.
I’m a short red head who likes to sleep. That explains the last three. The first one came from my mom, but I don’t know where she got it because I don’ particularly like jelly beans.
In college they called me “Earl.” No one would tell me why.
I suspect it was because I was a bit of a hick. A later friend who didn’t know me when I received the “Earl” nickname decided it was because I am “almost a girl.” I’m a little tomboyish. Not so very feminine. And I could drink him under the table.
The first three are all diminitives of my name. My mum was really keen on calling me Jim for a while, but I didn’t really take to it at the time. Shame, because I would now quite like to be a Jim, but I already have a friend called Jim.
Arseface is a great name, and one that I am truly proud of. My parents and my best friend from school have all called me Arseface - in an endearing way, of course.
My partner calls me Lemon. He has an unnatural fondness for lemon scents and lemon scented air freshener sprays. In the early stages of our relationship, I worried that he loved lemons too much. He decided that that was impossible, since I was the very lemon. Lemon I have been from that day forward.
I was monkeyboy for a long time. In fact when I see people I haven’t seen for awhile, they still call me that. I used to have my hair shaved pretty short and everyone said I looked like a little monkey. Thus monkeyboy.
In HS it was mostly Am, though I started using Anastasia around that time (just LOVED the name)
In college, I became “Zebra” (combination of my last name sounding similar to the animal and the fact that I’d gone blonde my sophomore year and didn’t keep up with the roots as quickly as I should have)
Started getting on the boards and, again, went by “Anastasia” or, just as often “Stasia”… sometimes even “Adpaz” (initials) Now I’m kinda back to Am to most. shrug It all comes full circle, I guess.
Brown / Brownie (from the obvious, my last name)
Brownovich (a funny little best friend of mine thought the above was too short, so he lengthened it to Brownovich)
Punk (no clue)
Chubs (because… I’m the opposite of chubby)
Vandal (because I have a history of breaking stuff…)
Pyro (I like to burn stuff too)
Pisser (I set off an alarm in a school trying to take a piss…)
awww… friends are great, eh?
Andy, which I’m co-opting into real name status.
All of it’s derivations- andygirl, andyasaurus… whatever quietgirl can come up with.
Georgey Porgey, George Washington, Jorge – all derivatives of my last name. Guess what it is. :rolleyes:
CP – short for “cucumber penis”, which my friends decided to call me after a sleepless night in a tent which I spent rolled up in a big green blanket in such a way that, apparently, I resembled a cucumber penis. Oddly, there were no drugs or alcohol of any kind causing this nickname.
Gus-Gus – after the mouse in Cinderella whose shirt doesn’t fit, because I had a t-shirt that didn’t fit and kept rolling up in the back so you could see my skin between the shirt and my jeans.
The Angry Canadian – although I am neither Canadian by birth, nor notably angry.
Diesel – because I like Big Trucks, and hang out at the track, and can beat up and out-weight-lift most of my male friends. Odd, I don’t LOOK diesel.
My friends call me Sticky on a fairly regular basis because once I asked “What’s the name of that famous supermodel from the 1960s? Something like Sticky?”
And my best friend calls me little girl, after a creepy middle aged man at a dance club said to me, “Hey–you’re allright, little girl.”
Since I’m a junior, my parents gave me a nickname to avoid confusion when talking to me or my dad. I was “Chipper” growing up, which was eventually shortened to “Chip”
In the Air Force I went by “Bigfoot” (for obvious reasons) and “MoJo” My last name is Jones and MoJo was short For Missouri Jones, a take off of Indiana Jones.
And as some who’ve been around for a while may remember, GF would call me “Boo-Boo”
Well… Us military guys all have nicknames. I got mine relatively quickly from a guy in the office next to me.
Not sure “exactly” why they started calling me that, but apparently it has something to do with me being 6’5" 215.
Some of my friend’s nicknames include: Lodi, K-Man, GeSpot, Rell, Dragon, RobKaos, Ost, Blaze, Beast, Sledge, GUE “Gooey”, and Prophet.
My name doesn’t lend itself to nicknames, so I only have one, and it’s a stretch:
Wook/Wookie/Wookapotamus/Wookster, ad infinitum - me and a friend both read the same book at the same time, and the two lead characters in the book begin calling each other “Wookie” after Chewbacca in Star Wars (trust me, this is an affectionate nickname). Since we were best friends, and had each read this same book at the same time without knowing it, we co-opted it. We’ve been friends for 12 years now, and we still call each other “Wookie” and a million permutations thereof. Nobody else calls me that, though. And I don’t have any other nicknames.
Geez, where do I start.
At the moment it is just Rick (:rolleyes: no brainer that one)
I have been called
Ginge (hair colour)
Ginna (pronounced Jinna - again hair)
Carrott top (hair)
Coppertop (hair…hmmm, can we see a trend developing)
Chief (I often stand with my arms folded, not smiling which apparently look like a Native American cheif to my friends. The only defence I can offer is that they are English. Oh, and stupid )
Butch (I look like a tv character with that name)
Quinny (cause of my surname)
and finally Pilch or Pilchard cause it sounds a bit like my name (Richard) :rolleyes:
I don’t particularly mind any of them (especially not after some of the crap people have called me and what other people have been called)