"What? No Tail?!" or "zoogirl's Having Kittens!"

Well, actually Bookitten had the babies. Five of them, and only one decent tail in the bunch! :eek:

I’m going to follow that big black Manx home the next time I spot him and his folks just might get a “Goody Basket” on their front porch in about two months. :smiley:

Seriously, they’re a sweet bunch. One grey and white just like Boo (The one with the tail) one black, one grey and two black and white. I wish I had a way to post pictures, but I can’t. One of the kitties is already spoken for and I’m sure between Church, school and work we’ll find homes for the rest. I’m thinking $10.00 a kitten ought to just about cover Boo’s spaying! Precosious little snit shouldn’t have been old enough to go into heat this time, or we’d have caught her BEFORE she got…um…expectant.

And by the way? Any of you BC Doper’s reading this had better not be planning to make any comments about Surrey girls and teenage motherhood. :rolleyes: :smiley:

Our middle cat is a part-Manx (he has a weird little stubby tail and rabbit-legs in back anyhow). He’s a sweetheart, and he’s much prettier now than when he was a kitten - that half-tail is covered up by all the fur! Good luck on the spaying and the kitten-placement.

Say…there were two Doper babies born today. Wouldn’t a kitten born on the very same day be just the perfect baby present? :wink:

My mother had a black manx that disappeared a few months ago. She lives about 200 miles south of you, so it’s not completely impossible. How many eyes did papa cat have?