My wife and I were talking to a care-giver of hers about some kittens they had. Another care-giver then mentioned that Jamie’s the kitten I killed brothers still needed a home. We decided to look at them today and we’re letting them stay the night to determine if we want one or both of them. I’m thinking of keeping both of them if we can afford it, which I think we can.
They’re both orange, whereas Jamie was gray. I’ll take some pictures later and put them on my ImageShack account.
There were two kittens wrestling and fighting in the pet store when we went in and looked last weekend - there is nothing cuter on the planet than two kittens wrestling and playing.
Ha! As if any kitten that ever took a “trial run” was ever sent back. You know you’re going to keep them. At least orange is easy to see! Too soon? Sorry.
Yeah, the humans get to see the cuteness, and the kittens wear each other out. And they ARE cute kitties. I’ve got a couple of orange tabby boys myself, as well as Sapphire the Siamese Queen of Everything.