What odds would it take for you to bet on Trump winning reelection in 2020?

I am not a betting man, mostly because RTFirefly handed me my butt in a bet on Howard Dean getting the nom back in the day.

But I would estimate the odds at a Trump re-election at 7-5, pick 'em.

I don;t think the impeachment inquiry has changed a lot of minds. The Senate is still not gonna remove him from office. And Ford very nearly got elected even after pardoning Nixon.

I think the enthusiasm of the Democrats and the press are leading them down the same path as in 2016 - the certainty that nobody could possibly support Trump. And he is the incumbent. Just like Nixon was the incumbent.

I didn’t vote for Trump. I haven’t made up my mind who I will vote for in 2020. That could be bad news for Trump, since I usually but not always vote Republican. It could be good news for Trump, because I am open to the idea.

I could be wrong about this. Or I could not be. We shall see.
