What questions should be on the SDMB moderator application?

Does any poster here have pics of you having sex with anything non-human?

Do you have trouble clearing your throat? :smiley:

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

11 meters per second

What does Marcellus Wallace look like?

Does he look like a bitch?

They speak English in What?

English, mother fucker, do you speak it?

Question: Would you accept sexual favors for ruling in a particular way?
Me: Yes
Reply: Dream on!

Do you know what the definition of is is?

Is there a way out of the dungeon without the wizardโ€™s key?

Colibri handles all bird questions.

Are you completely batshit insane?
If no, why not?

African or European?

Would you like fries with that?

How does one patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?

Do you have pictures of any other moderators naked?

Would you like a picture of one of the other moderators naked?

Please specify which one.