What "radical" ideas/laws would you enact if "king for a day"

That wouldn’t work well in Thailand, where numbers skip around something awful. Or Kathmandu, which doesn’t even have street addresses.

Myself, I would proclaim free oral sex for all.

Homicide is legal under certain conditions, although not as liberally so as you appear to advocate. The crimes of murder and manslaughter are illegal homicide.

I agree with the OP about the noise ordinances; the immediate result of this would be no more leaf blowers or other gas-powered landscaping equipment, except possibly for one two-hour period every week, to be decided on the local level. Car alarms would also be banned.

So what you’re saying is that the perpetrator would be driven along a winding mountain road, full of hairpins and sudden changes in elevation, and then we’d kill him? Yeah, I could get behind that.

Malapropisms would be punishable by prison sentences.

I would also cover the domes of Griffith Observatory in gold. Think what a striking landmark it would become.

Religious institutions that host worship with total revenues in excess of $1m are no longer non profit organizations.
Attempts by politicians to enforce religious agendas via legislation will result in being publicly executed.
Anyone over 18, can marry anyone over 18, period.
BATF, and DEA will be disbanded
Prostitution and gambling 100% legal in all states.
Universal health care for all
Loaded open carry 100% legal in all 50 states.
CEO salaries may not exceed 10x the lowest paid employee in any business.
Millitary manpower reduced by 50%, military research budget refocused into unmanned drone technologies.

and last but far from least
NASA gets the millitarys other chunk of budget, and an exective degree to be puttering about our solar system at will in 25 years. Astronaut training and spacecraft construction would not be the elaborate process it is now, more akin to present day submarines and sub crews. Trained, yes, trained for 5+ years before leaving a simulator, nope. We move into space, or die trying, exploration of the seas claimed its share of victims and space will be the same. Accidents will happen, people will die, but we WILL explore the solar system. Bases on the moon and mars and stand by to head for the closest star, one way trip or not. Plans should be in the works for full blown spaceport facilities within 50 years.

BTW, some of you are insane.

Um. Who is going to do the raping?

So “impossible to enforce” is not considered a barrier in this hypothetical?

People are only allowed to smoke in their own homes, or in specially designated (and enclosed!) smoking areas. If they smoke in their cars, they must do so with the windows UP. In short, any smoking can only be done in such a way that their rights to indulge in their habit truly DOES end before innocent bystanders’ intake air begins. No smoking on the curb and then stepping onto the bus while exhaling your last nasty drag…No polluting the city sidewalks for blocks while you walk along trailing a putrid trail of smoke, no befouling an entire intersection while you hang your ciggy out of your car window at a red light.

I’d go farther. Round up the smokers and execute them.

Well…I didn’t wanna say… :smiley:

Anyone female on public assistance is required to submit to a birth control implant.

Any male who has children with more than three women and doesn’t pay child support will be sterilized.

Any religious organization that engages is political behavior will immedately lose tax-exempt status.

The profits of any business run by a religious organization that competes with non-religious businesses (daycare is the first example I thought of) are not tax exempt.

Failure to spay/neuter pets will result is large fines. The fines will pay for low cost/free spay/neuter. Puppy mills will be out of business.

Any person convicted of child abuse will be sterilized in addition to their jail time.

Sexual abuse of a child will be a capital crime, unless the conviction comes from an adult testifying they were abused as a child. (I just have problems trusting a lot of those cases)

Pot will be legal. Cocaine, crack, meth and ice will be capital crimes. It will be illegal for anyone who does not now smoke cigarettes to start.

Sports teams can pay their stars as much as they want, but 10% of any salary over a million a year will be “donated” to a fund to increase teacher salaries.

I’m sure I"ll think of some more…

In Chizzukistan:

-universal single-payer health care, funded by a progressive tax. Don’t like it? Too damned bad.

-homeschooling is banned. Sorry to everyone who has a nice standard program set up for their gifted or alternative learner, but everyone goes to an approved school so they don’t wind up undereducated or taught crazy lunatic fringe ideas like white supremacy or Bill Gothardism. We’ll set up a bunch of little academies for gifted kids or kids with learning differences.

-the following offenses are an automatic 30-day sentence: taking too many items through an express lane, standing on the left side of an escalator or moving walkway, littering, going at or below the speed limit in the left lane, talking on your cell phone or texting while driving

  • DUI results in a permanent license revocation for the first offense and having your car seized and given to someone else

-The following are banned: tobacco products, teaching or advocating young earth creationism, Holocaust denial, Spandex, airline bag fees, the New York Yankees, scalping tickets, civilian Hummers

-You may own a maximum of 2 houses and 3 cars. Any income over $500000 is taxed at 80%.

-if someone is taken down in the penalty area and a penalty kick is awarded, the player who was fouled is the one who has to take the kick.

-minimum wage varies by region and is mandatorily set at a level that allows decent housing and food consumption. Same for the poverty level.

-you are mandated to see a mediator before you can sue anyone, and the mediator will approve whether a suit has enough merit to go forward.

-no region coding on DVDs

Every annoying ad at gas pumps and on the screens at retail stores (like Walmart) will play Monty Python movies all day long.

That’s all I got.

My friend and I invented “Dumb Guns”, you get 10 magnetic darts and a pistol. You shoot any car acting stupid. There are strategically placed arches over the road and any car approaching with more than 10 stupid darts is pulled from the road by a gigantic magnet and is dumped into a pile at the side for recycling. (Its up to the driver/passengers to get out before the recycling dozer comes through to clear the pile).

I. Procedural/Systemic Stuff:

  1. I’d amend the Constitution to get rid of the U.S. Senate, or turn it into a powerless House of Lords - type body.
  2. All House districts within each state would be determined after each Census by minimizing the sum of the squares of the distances of the voters from the center of population of the district they’re in. No more gerrymandering.
  3. I’d amend the Constitution to explicitly state that voting in Federal elections is a right that may not be infringed for any U.S. citizens of 18 years of age or older.
  4. Presidential elections determined by popular vote.
  5. Need 50%+1 to win election for Federal office. Open ‘primary’ 2 weeks before Election Day; if someone gets 50%, it’s settled; if nobody does, top 2 candidates square off in the ‘regular’ election.
  6. I’d amend the Constitution to explicitly state that the rights enumerated for persons in the Constitution apply only to flesh-and-blood human beings. No corporations, no robots, and at least for now, no Uplifted chimps or dolphins. The amendment would also explicitly give Congress the power to regulate campaign finance in Federal elections, and give to the several states the power to regulate campaign finance in campaigns for state and local offices.
  7. Supreme Court Justices may serve on that Court for a maximum of 25 years. Service of any person at the Circuit Court of Appeals and District Court levels will be limited to 30 and 35 years, respectively.
  8. All contributions to any nonprofit of any sort of at least $10,000 in value or 10% of the nonprofit’s previous-year operating budget, whichever is smaller, must be made public. This prevents attempts to hide influencing of politics by funneling the money through nonprofits. And even with a pure charity, you should know who is pulling the strings before you give.

II. Real Stuff

  1. Fully auctionable cap-and-trade, with ‘climate tariffs’ on imports from nations that don’t have cap-and-trade systems or carbon taxes that are more or less equivalent to ours in effectiveness.
  2. Graduated income tax with further increases in rates at $10 million, $100 million, $1 billion, etc.
  3. Medicare for all.
  4. I’d amend the Constitution to state that the right to organize for purposes of collective bargaining may not be infringed.
  5. Full equality for gays.
  6. Time and a half after 40 hours in a week, and double time after 60 hours, for everyone earning less than $30/hour or its annual equivalent in base wage/salary. Everybody earning more than $30/hour and less than $100/hour or annual equivalent gets paid for hours between 40 and 60, and past 60, at the $30/hour rate. The $30 and $100 to be adjusted for inflation no less often than every 3 years, and rounded to the nearest $0.50/hour.
  7. Minimum wage to apply to all workers. No exemptions for agricultural workers, wait staff, whatever.
  8. All full-time workers get a minimum of ten days’ annual leave and five days’ sick leave per year. Part-time workers earn a minimum of one hour of paid leave for every 25 hours worked, and one hour of sick leave for every 50 hours worked. Accrual of leave must be allowed up to a minimum of 240 hours of each kind of leave.
  9. A 10-year near-moratorium on Federal funds for new highways, with only 10% of highway monies to be used for that purpose. The rest goes to intracity transit, intercity high-speed rail, maintenance and repair of existing highways, and expansion and removal of choke points from our freight rail system.
  10. A requirement for Federal funds for

Employers may not impose any penalty for use of sick leave with minimal advance notice, but may impose reasonable verification requirements such as requiring confirmation from a doctor for persons missing 3 or more consecutive days of work. Employees requesting to use annual leave more than 3 months in advance must have their leave request granted, with the condition that they must avoid peak periods of work that their employer warns them about in advance, with the stipulation that an employer may not block off more than one-third of workdays in any six-month period as a peak period.

III. Nitpicky stuff

  1. ‘Parade laws’ for drivers: if traffic is building up behind you in the passing lane and there is ample room in front of you, then you must either speed up, get over, or get ticketed. On two-lane roads, if traffic is building up behind you, you must pull over as soon as you can find a reasonable place to do so and let your ‘parade’ pass before pulling back onto the road. Traffic has definitely built up behind you if there are 5 or more cars piling up behind you that you’re slowing down.
  2. Abolish the penny. When we got rid of the half-cent piece a century and a half ago, it was worth about what a dime is now. All the penny does is clutter up your pockets. Retailers will still be allowed to price items to the penny, and round your total to the nearest 5¢ at the cash register.

Death penalty for all spammers, hackers and phishers.

No retail establishment can decorate, put out merchandise, or advertise for a holiday until the previous holiday has passed.

If you are going to pick and choose passages from the Bible to support your political view you must follow all passages from the Bible.

There is no press ‘key’ for English, English is the default. If you allow options for another language you must allow options for ALL languages, otherwise it is discrimination.

That’s amazingly stupid.

Braless Mondays.

And Tuesdays.

And so forth.

1.) Abortion is illegal for any reason
2.) Teaching evolution is illegal
3) Singapore style caning is implemented. Do something wrong, get your butt shredded instead of rotting in jail at taxpayer expense. Coporal punishment returns to schools.
4.) 90% taxes for people in the 95th percentile income.
5.) A first DUI is a lifetime ban on driving and 10 strokes of the cane. Do it again and it’s the death penality, since you’re obviously a risk to society while still aliive.
6) Universal, socialized healthcare.
7) Build enough new freeways and expand the existing ones until there’s no more congestion. Can’t be done in a day, but the process could be started.
8) Death penalty becomes more cruel and more public and for more infractions.
9.) Anyone can own any weapon, even bazookas if they so choose. Use a weapon to commit a crime and it’s the death penalty
10) Goverment subsidizes gasoline until it’s under $2.00 a gallon.

Gas rationing. It would be a reasonable amount of gas for a reasonably fuel-efficient car driven reasonable distances. Exceptions could be made for good reason, but they would be rare. If you want more than your ration then you pay WAY more for any additional gas, and that extra money is used for environmental reasons, including expanding public transportation.

No death penalty.

Marijuana is legal.

Universal healthcare.

Conditions must improve a lot for factory farms. This would drive up the price of animal products, which is good.

Higher taxes for the super rich.

Also, Mdcastleman is not allowed to have opinions.

Clap once in front of a woman – she has to take off her clothes. Clap twice – she has sex with me.

Let’s see here:

-Restructure, lower, flatten and simplify the tax code to three brackets for income and two brackets for businesses and get rid of all loopholes, deductions, and so on. In particular the corporate tax rate, one of the highest in the world, should be reduced.
-Encourage expansion of health care through state-based plans and repeal the current law which is impractical
-Cut spending across the board including military spending, Medicare, and Social Security
-Reform Social Security by raising the retirement age to 70 for people whose jobs don’t involve physical labour
-Eliminate farm subsidies
-Encourage free trade pacts with other nations
-Encourage energy independence by building more nuclear power plants
-Build a national high speed railway system
-Introduce line item veto for the President
-Legalize marijuana and decriminalize hard drugs
-Reduce the drinking age to 18
-Ban abortion for most reasons except to save the life of the mother, rape, and incest
-Leave gay marriage to the states
-Adopt a doctrine that says the US will not tolerate genocide anywehre in the world
-Cut off aid to Pakistan and ally with India against China and Pakistan
-Death penalty mandatory for murder (including stuff like a drunk driver killing someone), treason, espionage, and desertion
-Order all new architecture be built in Victorian styles
-Cut off all funding for degenerate (ie most modern) art, encourage and provide subsidies for healthier art
-Commit to a Martian expedition, Lunar base, and the terraformation of Mars
-Dyeing one’s hair, body piercings besides earrings, excessive makeup etc. are forbidden for cosmetic purposes

Ideally a Libertarian Prussia