What random object are you ?

Find out here!

I am Windex.

You are a neat freak. Quite plain and simple. If you walk into an unorganized area, you go insane. Most of your free time is spent cleaning and organizing, when you aren’t having fun with you friends. Even though many are annoyed by your constant organizing, some see it as a quality of neatness, and that is something most people envy about you. The opposite sex sees you as clean-cut and pure, though you are too shy to express your true feelings for them. You keep a list of goals and priorities in your life, and in almost all cases, accomplish them. You are the over-acheiver, most intelligent in your class, and strive to do all that is in your ability. Some people may try to take advantage of you, however, so don’t let them make you clean up their messes. “Just put some Windex.”

Windex also.

Gah, I am so not Windex!

I am a fork!

You are a sock.

You are a cozy, fuzzy, warm-hearted person. A lot of your friends describe you as a hopeless romantic. You fall for the opposite sex very easily. But be careful, because usually you don’t know what you are getting into, and because you are very sensitive, you can get hurt… especially in early relationships. Also, don’t exclude the cold-hearted from your “want-list”, because they just might be looking for a kind person to warm up their heart… or a sock to warm up their feet.

Most compatible with: Toilet Paper

I am speachless.

I’m a Guitar! I like it!

I am a guitar.

Explains the B.A. in Music, I guess. And the weird friends. :dubious:

… adding new dimension to the term “simulpost”…

I’m a guitar, too! Most compatible with a Drumstick. That’s accurate!

Okay, maybe you’re not THAT gross. But yes. You are a toenail. You usually get in the way of peoples’ lives and are annoying at times, but people hang out with you because you are amusing. You enjoy acting retarded in front of large crowds of people. Many may call you a dork and a loser, but the truth is that you are very intelligent, and this will be proven in the near future. You are dependent on your friends, but you are not willing to conform into society’s stereotypical mold. You may be called a loser, but at least you aren’t a nobody. Even the opposite sex finds your uniqueness attractive. You stand out, and that’s what makes you special. Even if people leave you hanging.

It’s sad because it’s true.

Drumsticke–Absolutely insane. That is how most would describe you. You aren’t afraid to take risks, and enjoy putting yourself in strange situations. Most people hang out with you because of your hilarious sense of humour. You light up any bad situation, and can help all of your friends with their problems, except for your own. Because of this, you enjoy being around people like you. Many shut you out for your very weird, random personality, but honestly, you shouldn’t care.

I am a Toenail.
"Okay, maybe you’re not THAT gross. But yes. You are a toenail. You usually get in the way of peoples’ lives and are annoying at times, but people hang out with you because you are amusing. You enjoy acting retarded in front of large crowds of people. Many may call you a dork and a loser, but the truth is that you are very intelligent, and this will be proven in the near future. You are dependent on your friends, but you are not willing to conform into society’s stereotypical mold. You may be called a loser, but at least you aren’t a nobody. Even the opposite sex finds your uniqueness attractive. You stand out, and that’s what makes you special. Even if people leave you hanging.

Most compatible with: Hoe."

So . . . any hoes out there? :smiley:

You are a Guitar

Most compatible with: Drumstick

This website speaks the truth :smiley:

I’m a hoe.

That’s what it said. Who am I to argue.

I am a drumstick. Neat. I thought I’d be something fuzzy.

I’m a Toothbrush apparently.
(Please disregard the picture). You are a control freak. You love to be in charge of everything, and like to do things yourself instead of indirectly. Hands-on projects are your favorite. You like to accomplish things the hard way, even if it means getting dirty. You have high priorities and set goals for your life, which will make you very successful. However, you will have to dig deep and get rid of all the crap people throw at you in order to have a promising future.
This is so not me. To be honest, I had a hard time with the questions. Very few, if any, of the answers suited me.

I’m a sock. (But **not ** in the Mods-please-ban-me-quickly way.)

I, too, am a sock. Left or right, I wonder? Toilet paper sounds like kind of a doormat, though.

Another drumstick here. Yeah, I think it’s pretty accurate (though reading the toenail description I’m almost a cross between the two.)

Another hoe here! Most Compatible with: Toilet Paper, and Toenail.

I can’t believe I’m about to admit this:
I’m toilet paper :eek:

You are used and taken advantage of by a lot of people, including your friends. They make you be the one to clean up their messes in their life. But the only reason that this happens is because of your kindness and commitment. These are the qualities most members of the opposite sex look for, which makes you hot. Yes, toilet paper is hot. But be careful that your lover doesn’t use you to their advantage, and be sure that they are not seeking too much control. Remember: Toilet paper is used by many, but is most often considered valuable when it is not there in time of need.
uh…yeah…that’s sounds pretty accurate. I’m not sure if that makes me happy though.