I would have Cynthia swap out the bar of soap she used to bathe me as soon as the letters were worn off. (Cynthia herself would be one of the “big things”)
I would invite people over for dinner a lot more often.
I like hanging out with people but I hate cooking, especially for other people (since I feel like it has to be specialer than the same old stuff I make for myself over and over).
If having people over were as easy as saying “Andre, we will be six tonight” then I’d do it all the time.
Have the cleaning lady in every week instead of every 2. It’d be a good thing for her AND for us.
Upgrade my phone now instead of waiting a year until the 2-year contract is up. I’ve never been one to rush out and get the niftiest new device but my phone is getting really slow (smartphone - Droid X) to do anything.
Have the house painted inside and out. Several rooms need it, and the trim definitely does.
Have massages more often. It’s a luxury, so a very rare treat.
I’d get off my wife’s back for being a spendthrift and let her have a little fun without repercussions, i.e., listening to me drone on about money not growing on trees.
I’d spend less time obsessing about money…possibly.
[li]I’d buy a lot more DVDs on a whim, and after watching it once, I might throw it away if I felt like I’d never want to see it again. [/li][li]I’d get my milk home-delivered in glass bottles with a company like Oberweis.[/li][li]I’d buy cases of Mexican Coca-Cola in lieu of any HFCS pop.[/li][li]I’d give away a lot of high quality cigars without a thought.[/li][li]Switch to all-fresh fruits and vegetables (someone would shop for me)[/li][/ul]
It’s not a small thing, but I’ve had the idea since high school that if I was ever cartoonishly rich, I would wear (and consequently destroy) a nice tuxedo for inappropriate activities – like racquetball, cat fishing, house painting, gardening, etc. That’s just the sort of ludicrous wastefulness that I could heartily endorse. God, it would be grand to clean and fillet a whole stringer of fish while dressed to the nines.
My eating out experiences would greatly expand. But no so much new or more expensive places, but new food at the old places. I have favorite foods. All those other things on the menu often sound good but I worry I’ll get something I don’t like so I will have wasted money AND not gotten what I wanted. With unlimited funds I’d wouldnt have that worry.
Somebody long ago told me you were rich when you didn’t care what food costs, you just ate what you wanted.
I’d have a weekly housekeeper and I’d shop without automatically clicking the clearance button. Zappos would probably build a pipeline to my front door. Also, I’d have a lot more fun cooking without having to worry that a dish with expensive ingredients would bust the grocery budget.
ETA: I’d also have my carpets cleaned often. Monthly at least.
I’d get my teeth fixed. I look like I just crawled out of bed with my topless, smirking sister.
I’d have more hobbies if I could just say on the spur of the moment, "Hey, I think I’ll _____ (collect knives, take up amateur chemistry, surprise the missus with a pet capybara.)
I wouldn’t be a crazy weirdo anymore. I’d be eccentric.
Another vote for fresh sheets every day… and towels. And have all the bathroom fixtures wiped down. And the floors always very clean. Grubby bathrooms and crumbs on the floor are something I, sadly, live with. Cheryl Mendelson would weep for me.
The maid would also turn down the bed before she left for the evening.