What "social networking" stuff do you do

I mostly hang out here and at another forum. I’ve had a blog for years but 99.9% of my friends and relatives are much too busy on FB to view or comment on it. Fine with me.

LinkedIn is a little bit fun…but not much…and a little bit useful…but not much. It helped me find someone I needed to talk to, so that was nice.

I don’t chat or jaw or twit; the Straight Dope is my only concession to online conversation. (I’ve gotten a lot of REALLY good answers here!)

Only facebook and only to keep up with my real life friends and family who live in other states.

For me, it’s pretty much the SDMB.

I have a LInkedIn account that I haven’t been back to since I set it up; I couldn’t care less about the employment status of people I used to work with.

I haven’t used FaceBook in years. I don’t get it, and don’t feel I’m missing anything by not getting it.

Twitter seems more inane than FaceBook to me, if that’s even possible.

I have a Google+ account that I keep telling myself I’ll tinker around with at some point. Yeah, okay.

I have a couple of YouTube accounts that have been sitting unused for a few of years. I read they’ve changed how user channels function a couple of times, but I don’t care enough to log in and check it out for myself.

I’m technically on MySpace but stopped bothering with it once Facebook let non students in. I use Twitter and Google+ almost as much.

Livejournal has kind of been replaced by Tumblr, though I’m thinking of transitioning to my own WordPress.

I like the atmosphere on Tribes.net and some of the features, but use it more to interact with strangers than people I really know.

Diaspora seemed like a good idea but has been slowly limping along.

Not sure why people can’t simply enjoy different things, or find them to be useful tools, without one of the parties having to be pathetic.

I became a passive user of LinkedIn when colleagues started sending me requests. I didn’t want to be rude and ignore them so I started accepting them but I have done nothing to populate my own profile. I don’t use any of the other social networking applications.

This pretty much nails it for me. I live 14 hours from home. I have a friend living in Taiwan and another in Japan. My grandmother likes to know what I’m up to. If it weren’t for Facebook, I wouldn’t know my Great Uncle was such an awesome person, or be able to bond with kids I knew in high school. Not to mention if your friends aren’t brain dead, there are a lot of interesting conversations on Facebook, and typically much more civil than the rest of the internet.

I do use LinkedIn because as a recent graduate it was like Finding a Job 101. I just try to keep it current and stay in touch with my colleagues because I’m sure someday I’ll need to call in a favor or vice-versa. LinkedIn is kind of the ultimate expression of It’s All Who You Know. And it gives prospective employers (or even partner organizations) something professional-looking to google. If I’m going to approach someone I don’t know about some important element of business, I want to know as much as possible about what they do. In my field (social work) social networking is critical.

I would find it more useful except that my profession is UNusual, insofar as no two positions have been in the same industry and experience doing work in a given industry has very little bearing on how qualified you are to work in that same industry. (I develop databases). So former coworkers have seldom been useful for getting new employment.