What Supplements Do You Take, And Why?

I take B-vitamins because I worry that I’m not getting enough in my diet, calcium chews (mine are chocolate, AbbySthrnAccent) because I hate milk and tend not to get much useful calcium in my diet, and I’m seriously considering taking saw palmetto because I’ve heard that it can help thinning hair.

And, to be honest, I take whatever the Supplement of the Month is, because I tend to follow the trends when it comes to diet and health.

In addition to a multi, I take flax seed oil for EFAs (fish oil’s a better source, but my stomach can’t handle it), CoQ10, and spirulina (kind of nutritional insurance for a vegetarian diet).

Magnesium for migraine prevention
Sub-lingual B-12 and B-complex for memory
Calcium for osteoporosis