What the hell is wrong with ducks today?

Well, that kinda thing might fly in Rotterdam, but our Mallards over here in the good old US of A, red blooded Merican Mallards, well, they don’t go for that. Canadian Geese? Sure, I could see that. Thems evil little bastards with poops the size of squirrels, for that alone I support the Canadian invasion plan, but Merican Mallards? Nope.

Would that be a wood duck?

Well, now I can say that I learned something today.

It might, if one duck stuck its bill into the cloaca of another, dead, duck and quacked into that. It’s worth checking to find out!

Quacked up, in other words?

This davian behavior ain’t just for the birds…

(from Meshaka Walter E Jr. Anuran Davian behavior: A Darwinian dilemma. Florida Scientist. 59(2). 1996. 74-75.)

Davian behavior was reported for two anurans, the Cuban treefrog (Osteopilus septentrionalis) and the southern toad (Bufo terrestris). The episodes were initiated by automobiles having killed the females with which the males amplected. Because of high probability of mortality on the road and no chance of successful reproduction, this behavior reduces the fitness of participating males…

I found love on a two way street and lost it on a lonely highway…ribbit

… You’ll get a very nasty suck,
If you muck around with a duck!
Yes, a man’s best friend is his duck!

There’s a Goodies song for almost every occasion. Stop looking at me like that, I’m perfectly harmless.

I humping your dead duck.

Burns: Smithers…you think maybe my power plant killed those ducks?
Smithers: There’s no ‘maybe’ about it, sir.
Burns: [sniffles] Excellent.

why did i know this was going to be the link? I know too much about duck necrophelia for my own good…

<sings> And this bird you cannot change…

Actually, I found this linked on another message board. But still, it is disturbing.