It sure looks like fraud.
I’ll have to force my little boy to work day and night for me to make up the $100. Bwa haha!
I have it on good authority from top unnamed government officals that the Bigfoot really is real. The “fake” Bigfoot fraud is a cover to prevent the predation of the remaining specimen, Whitten and Dyer wer e’disappeared’ to prevent them from spreading the truth to the world and a gorilla siut and possum guts were substituted for the real remains by the MIB. I have full evidence of these crimes and will present them all at a news conference just as soon as my advance check clears.
So…there’s only one? Might as well hunt it down then. Poor thing’d probably rather be stuffed than have to spend the rest of however without gettin’ any tail.
Oh, right. They don’t have tails. I mean, it doesn’t have a tail, but if it weren’t alone it…wait…now I’m confused.
I’m feeling kind of let down, actually. I expected a denouement at least marginally more sophisticated than “grab the money and run like hell.” They’ll never get that book deal now.
What happened, guys? Why the hell didn’t you disappear the costume and blame the aliens? You could have milked this for so much more. Tell me there’s some sort of convoluted ulterior scam to hook insurance money via the resulting lawsuit. There’s got to be more to it, right?
At the very least, they should have taken the fake Bigfoot with them. No doubt the writers will correct that oversight in the forthcoming TV movie. I can see them now, driving their pickup like maniacs along the dusty Georgia backroads, headed for the state line, with the rubber Bigfoot propped between them.
I hope they catch these scammers and bring them to some kind of justice, but I can’t help feeling that if you buy a bigfoot body in a freezer, you should not be at all shocked when you find out it’s a Chewbacca suit. I think P.T. Barnum was too conservative when he said there was one born every minute. I think it’s more like a thousand every second.
Wasn’t there the quote about “after the war, *two *were born every minute”? I think it’s the advent of the Internet.
I’m with Terrifel, I’m so let down by this. I wanted drama! Explosions! Hysterics! Bigfoot magically coming back to life!
That’s hilarious.
“I’m Steve Kulls, and I’m a gullible moron.”
Someone should set up a Darwin award for money.
[MST3K] Lancelot Link alone set us back 100 years! [/MST3K]
Boy, they sure do teach officers to lie well, must come in handy on the dais. His story did kind of play as a police report and well honed witness box guiles.
I didn’t believe for a minute it was true, but I wanted to believe. It sure did get my little nephew’s imagination and inspiration going, though. He kept asking if it was real, and I let him decide, “What do you think?”. I remember picking up that first Time-Life book about bigfoot and being amazed and having my imagination and sense of wonder embroiled. I saw the same thing in him and he was truly fascinated (and a little afraid) and we talked about all kinds of things… it was a lot of fun, and I could see the adventure sparked in him. (He’s kind of afraid of Monsters and Ghosts still, He hates zombies… Hehe!)
I predict Officer Whitten has a future in politics.
Wasn’t there something recently about someone having proof of UFO’s and setting up a press conference to show the evidence? What the hell is going on with the world? Not only that stupid people try these stunts, but that we let them?
Okay, I don’t get it. I understand the whole sell the “bigfoot body” and run away with the cash fraud/crime. Separately, I understand the have a press conference, get famous for a hoax that discredits the true bigfoot people, get your fifteen minutes of internet fame for your prank.
But I really don’t understand why these guys would insist on a press conference, pose for photos with the “body” etc. when they are committing fraud. Why make sure that every news outlet has your name and photo, when you are gig to have to be on the lam for fraud.
Especially the cop. Do cops get in more trouble for shit like that than the average person. Presumably, his “hero cop” status provided extra credibility to the bigfoot people that may have made them more willing to trust the scammers and hand over their advance cash.
Unless i’ts millions of dollars and they can forever go into hiding, I just don’t see how this scam would pay off.
Why do people compete for going on reality shows which are going to make them look like idiots? Any TV presence is better than no presence at all.
Yeah, but showing your face on a reality show for a crappy few minutes of fame is not the same thing as going out of your way to put your face on display when you are committing a crime. The cops could not possibly put out a wanted poster that reaches as many people as that stupid press conference did. Now everyone all over the world knows your name and face.
From here:
I hereby declare Musicat psychic… or in on it.
BTW, do you have any idea where I left my keys?
This just in:
But was any scientific evidence presented?
Also there was plenty of publicity of the claim, which you can bet they passed on to potential customers of their Bigfoot business.
Turns out the latest bigfoot is a rubber gorilla suit in a block of ice.