What to ask David Sedaris?

I’ll have the pleasure of meeting David Sedaris and getting my book signed 6/17 at Left Bank Books in St. Louis. Any ideas on clever/brief-yet-meaningful/memorable questions or remarks? Thanks!

Wait, what? He’s coming here???

Yes! Left Bank books had a deal where the first 150 people to purchase the book had the option of paying something like 60 bucks for the privilege of attending a fairly intimate reading and then getting to have the book signed. My husband purchased the package for me for our anniversary. Incidentally, we both got each other: champagne, flowers and the same book (only his flowers were bigger, his champagne was better and the book contained the ticket to the reading!)

Apparently, last time Sedaris was here, he walked around outside after the reading and was charging people for an autograph. People were actually paying…I guess it was a pretty funny scene.

Wow. Seeing this thread reminded me that I need to order
When You Are Engulfed in Flames
(his latest?).

If you get the chance, ask him if he is coming to the Pittsburgh area anytime soon. :wink:

Enjoy and Happy Anniversary!

Do him talk pretty yet? :smiley:

semi serious question:
Ask him if he has learned French yet.
He has written several essays making fun of his inability to function because of the language. But I found it hard to believe that an author who lives in France has learned less French than I did in jr. high school.
Now, I expect some exageration (this is comedy, after all); but it detracted a bit (well, a very tiny bit) from my respect for him.
His humor works because it is so personal.He makes you feel like a good friend spending time with him, and you want to believe that it’s all true.
But with the French business, I feel like he is telling me outright lies.

Say it ain’t so, David.

I heard him on Fresh Air on NPR the other day where he talked about getting crabs from some unwashed consignment clothing. You could ask about that, or perhaps the “smell of evil” that was released when his partner lanced a boil on Sedaris’ rear.

Sorry, double post.

Bring him a shoehorn. He’ll appreciate it.

(It’s a playful nod to one of the essays in “When You Are Engulfed in Flames”)

If I just show up at 7 do I still get to hear him read? I looked on his publisher’s site or something and it says reading at 7 and signing (if you buy the book there) at approximately 8pm. I told one of my friends about it and he wants to go too, but I can’t afford $60 or whatever.

Actually, that’s one of the first things I thought of!

My husband said that, last time, they had a sound system with speakers set up outside so that anyone could have a listen.

Left Bank Books presents
David Sedaris
When You Are Engulfed in Flames
Reading and Remarks: 7pm

Booksigning: 8pm (approx.)

We’re closing the street!
When You Are Engulfed in Flames from LBB and meet Sedaris after the reading to have your book autographed.

Yeah, but I’d rather be inside the store…
To get your place in the store for the reading, be one of the first 150 Friends of Left Bank Books to purchase a copy of When You Are Engulfed in Flames. Don’t delay! If you’re not already a current friend, join or renew today! Friends membership starts at $35.

The very fine print:
~You must purchase a copy of When You Are Engulfed in Flames from Left Bank Books to meet David Sedaris. He will autograph all of his books.

~The signing line will begin with the first 150 people in the store and continue to others on a first-come, first-served basis.

~Consider dining at or obtaining refreshment from Duff’s, Kopperman’s, Sapphire, Llewellyn’s, or Dressel’s before, during or after Sedaris’ reading.

~Parking is available on St. Louis Parking’s lots two doors north of Dressel’s on Euclid and across the street from Berger Memorial east of LBB on McPherson. Cost is $4 upon entering the lot.

~#1 Metrobus stops directly in front of the bookstore ~Questions? 314-367-6731; info@left-bank.com

Don’t want to listen but want to meet David Sedaris?

Purchase a copy of When You Are Engulfed in Flames from LBB and arrive by 8pm (approximate time) to meet David Sedaris and have your books signed.

Can’t make the event but want a signed book?

Purchase it ahead and we’ll get it signed for you. We’ll even ship it to you for an extra charge.
Hmmm…I’ll have to talk to my friend…Left Bank is really cool but it kinda sucks with the limited space/having to pay thing. We might try to make the signing but I dunno.

:dubious: They are asking that you consider dining at or obtaining refreshments *during * his reading???

Guess during if you can’t get into the reading but are waiting for the 8pm signing?

Ohhhhh. OK.

Hope this one bump is ok. I just thought I’d see if anyone else had anything to add. It’s just that this guy is one of my favorite authors/personalities and I’ll get, what, maybe a minute with him. I’d love to be able to say/do something memorable or, at least, somewhat clever/interesting or, at the very least, not make an ass of myself.


That’s a tough one. I think it’s going to be hard to be memorable without making an ass out of yourself – I’m sure he’s heard all the obvious jokes and questions that relate to his stories a million times. Personally, I’d probably stick to something simple like “I’m a huge fan, I hope you’ll keep writing because I really look forward to new stories from you.” If you want to add some flavor, you can change that second half to “because if you don’t I’ll have to start stalking you” but if you have a nervous laugh or crazy eyes it’ll probably just really freak him out.

On the plus side, it would be memorable…

Hazle, you could ask about his brother Paul, aka “The Rooster”, a very funny guy who runs a flooring business here in NC. The link is to his website, “You Can’t Kill the Rooster.com”, after the story David wrote about him.

I see that The Rooster, ever the entrepeneur, has revamped his website, selling T-Shirts, aprons, baby bibs, barbecue sauce, etc. There’s even a game that’s pretty funny. If you haven’t read the story, click on the little pig in the barn on the right of the page. Hilarious, and true!

Enjoy the reading, I hope David makes it back here to Raleigh on the tour, havta check the schedule.

I have a Rooster Tshirt! I think I’ll order some of his BBQ sauce.

Enjoy the reading, he is awesome!