What to do on New York holiday?


I have a friend who is going to New York in the next couple of days for a holiday. He’ll be there for about a week and half, and will be staying in Manhattan.

Any suggestions on what he can do there? Any must-see attractions?

He’ll be staying with a friend at his apartment, but that friend will have to work at least a couple of days while he’s there, so he’s looking for some fun things that he can do there on his own. The friend hasn’t lived there long, so probably won’t be the best tour guide unfortunately.

(I’m sure there are previous threads on this topic, but as a guest I don’t seem to be able to search. Any links to other threads would be appreciated too.)

Shan :slight_smile:

The first response to these types of threads is always “what does your friend like to do?” For New York City, that may be more relevant than almost any place else.

Museums? (There’s natural history, art, modern art, etc. There’s an exhibit about Buckminster Fuller at the Whitney that I’d like to see before it’s over.)

Baseball? (Might be able to get a ticket for the last season at Yankee Stadium from a ticket broker, but it won’t be cheap.)

Statue of Liberty, skyscrapers, parks, cemeteries, in the audience for a taping of Regis and Kelly? Find out what your friend is into.

I’m just after things in general, really. I doubt he’ll go to a baseball game or other sports event, but he might go to a museum. And of course he has the obvious tourist attractions on his list: Times Square, Empire State Building, Central Park, Ground Zero, Statue of Liberty.

But what else? Any and all suggestions welcome. :slight_smile:

There’s nothing to see at Ground Zero, and I don’t understand why tourists keep flocking there. It’s a large, fenced-off construction site.

Yeah, it’s pretty closed off most of the time (occasionally a fence is open and you can peek in). Unless you’re staying at the Hilton across the street. On the top floors, you’ve got an incredible, terrifying view. It’s like a giant sandbox. A giant, noisy sandbox.

Anyway, I imagine for most people it’s just something to glance at on the way to Century 21.