What To Do With a Slightly Used Joe Paterno Statue?

Melt it down and make a commode.

Because they’re fucked, too.

Put it in storage and put it back up in 20 years after the emotions have died down?
Not saying I agree…

They should have left it up, but instead bought about 500 pigeons and let them loose there.

If by “boat anchors” you mean “urinals,” then I’m on board with this idea.

Or they could move it to the Joe Paterno Library, where it could serve as a constant reminder to the patrons to keep quiet.

Sell it to the local Catholic church. Use the proceeds to help young boys abused by priests.

Very nice.

Toilet roll holder.

Give it back to the sculptor, on the sole legally-binding condition that it only be displayed privately inside his home. Upon the sculptor’s death, we can argue about what to do with it then. But I mean, even though it was a commission, *he *made it… art should not be destroyed.

Sometimes there just are not enough rocks.

The other day on his show, Howard Stern said instead of ripping down Paterno’s statue, they should have painted it yellow and left it as a reminder of what happens to someone while they silently let evil happen.