What to do with beef drippings

Are you mixing up beef drippings with the jus that comes off a nice roast? Because the white fat is the drippings bit. You wouldn’t use it for gravy, you use it for frying.

Spotted an Amazon product, Fat Trapper, a boxy storage container that you put these funky ziploc type bags in and when you fill up the bags you toss them, so no fat goes into the septic system.

Me? Depends - I turn it into gravy [mix milk and flour into a slurry, stur into hot dripping, simmer gently with stirring til it thickens], let it cool down in the fridge, pop off the solidified fat and use the remaining gelatinous meat juices to flavor something like soup/stew, toss baby potatoes in it and roast them, smear on toasted bread. The discs of leftover fat can be melted down and mixed with lye to make a rough and ready soap.

Yes and no - pure leaf lard is rendered pork fat from the kidney area, very different from the intermuscle fat and the nonabdominal fat deposits, that fat doesn’t harden as solid [it stays a little soft and squidgy, and is faster to go rancid] There is a beef version, also from around the kidneys, as well as sheep or goat.

I save no grease of any kind. Grease from browning ground beef is disgusting to me. It all goes in the garbage.

My mom always saved bacon grease and would fry eggs in it. That is amazing. We called them dirty eggs because they were speckled with bits from the bacon.

Sure, in the sense that the pan drippings from a roast can have a more complex flavor profile than hamburger grease because of their non-fat components such as cooked juices etc., and their cooking method.

But rendered beef fat is rendered beef fat. The fat you’re getting in your roast pan drippings is exactly the same stuff, AFAICT, as the fat you’re getting in hamburger grease.

Finding hamburger grease “disgusting”, in TRC4941’s words, if you’re not grossed out by beef fat in other forms, is just a culinary prejudice AFAICT (assuming the hamburger is good quality). I don’t use it exactly the same way as I do roast pan drippings, but I definitely don’t treat it as inedible waste.

Yeah, it 's fine. I’d venture to guess it might even be better, as the fat will have more browny bits and a roasted flavor in it from all the surface area of the ground beef browning. There’s no reason to turn your nose up at a ground beef fat. It’s typically just chuck (or at least what I buy is normally 80-20 chuck.) Tastes perfectly fine as a fat. If I want “cleaner” beef fat, I just save the stuff that solidifies at the top of the pot after making beef stock or broth. In fact, whenever I make stock of any kind, whether chicken or beef, I save the fat in one mason jar all mixed together and keep it in the fridge. I might even pour some bacon fat in there, too, but I don’t make a lot of bacon. It works perfectly well when I want animal fat in my dish as the base.

A British gentleman once told me to fry mushrooms in beef fat for that component of a true Full Breakfast.

“It has to be beef fat!” he said.

“Dripping toast” was certainly a thing in my childhood. With plenty of salt.

Double duh.