What type of sexual are you?

Hetero. I’m another “100%-er” even though I’ve heard plenty of times that supposedly everyone has a little bit of homosexual tendency within. Never been attracted to a guy in any sense, never had an urge to experiment, and don’t even like seeing them in porn (whereas a lot of hetero guys like to see a guy in porn so that they can put themselves in the guy’s place to “participate”)… which puts me into Leaffan’s category, I suppose.

Not that I think it’s gross or anything, just that it’s a completely alien concept for me. I even tend to prefer women for platonic friendships.

Apparently I ping a lot of guys’ gaydar, but never a woman’s. Lord knows if I ever had wanted to experiment, I’d have had no problem scoring.

Hetero but technically for the last two years, asexual.

As the great sage Ali G once said… I am tri-sexual (I’ll try *anything *sexual).

Well, you’re hetero, just not practising.

You’re not asexual if you’d like to have sex but don’t/can’t.

ETA: Which is, by the way, my category: hetero, but not practising.

I’m hetero, though I did a little bi-curious experimenting with another girl or two in my twenties. One of the best compliments I ever got was when a gay friend of mine said, “SeaDragon, you’re the most bent straight woman I know!”

I voted “other” because I’m sure gender binaries are a myth, so that would make me pansexual not bisexual. As long as it’s humanoid, I’m game.

If its a tequila sunrise hasn’t the question already been answered?

Bisexual, though more in theory than in practice. I once fell wildly in love with a woman, and it was much stronger than anything I’ve felt for a man, but 75% of the time, I crush on men. In reality, I’ve only ever slept with men, and I’ve never enjoyed it.

Me too, me too! I wish sexuality was a choice because I’d be a lesbian in a heartbeat. I think I’d have a much better relationship with another woman than with a man. Unfortunately, I just really like men.

This, exactly. I have had any number of meaningful, committed friendships with women, and if I could just flip a switch and make myself interested in sleeping with them (without the involvement of tequila), I would do it in a second.

Straight heterosexual, though people have always wondered about me.

I voted hetero because I’m mostly hetero, but not completely. I’ve never had any sexual interaction with another guy, except for that MMF threesome, but he and I didn’t do anything together.

Guys don’t turn me off but I’ve never felt the urge to do anything with them. I don’t mind seeing them in porn if they’re hot, and sometimes I look for pictures of guys’ cocks, just because I like seeing them. I have no interest in watching MM porn, though.

If in a parallel universe, if my wife told me she wanted a MMF threesome, I don’t think I’d have too much objection.

Mostly hetero but very bi-curious. Hopefully I can get rid of the curious part soon.

I’m a heterosexual man, but I wish I was a homosexual woman.

I’m sorry, but boys are nasty. It’s true. It even sucks being one. And girls are sooo very nice. And not just in the between-the-sheets sense, my closest and best friendships have mostly been with women.

I hope the following doesn’t come off as too bigoted or judgmental, but it seems to me like in the gender/orientation lottery of life, gay males have drawn the short straw. Hetero females come out as second worst, as while they get to *be *girls, they still don’t get to have sex with them. Hetero males get to have sex with girls (well, some do, hypothetically, if they’re lucky), but they’re still stuck being boys themselves. Lesbians, of course, have hit the freaking jackpot.

(On the other hand, there is, of course, a stereotype/myth out there that turns this on its head somewhat, regarding how much sex you actually get to have. Gay men can apparently hook up anywhere, anytime, and do so. Hetero women can get laid any time they want, but don’t want to all that frequently. Hetero men, as we all know, are as horny as they come, but often find it a great struggle to track down a partner who is drunk or stupid enough to get in the taxi. And as for the lesbians, well, lesbian bed death is apparently a thing.)

It’s fixed now.

As a gay male I feel like I won the sexuality lottery, and feel most sorry for lesbians, haha :smiley:

You say that now, but it’s the kind of thing that can really come back and hurt you later. And once it’s out there, it’s out there.

I am hetero in broad terms and ever hopeful recently!

I put “other.” I could have gone with Bi, but I’m Pansexual. Bi is close enough for government work, but not quite right.

95% lesbian. Men are wonderful friends who are sometimes attractive. But they have willies, don’t have boobs or vaginas, and have stubble, and it just doesn’t feel right.

See, the thing is, I’d say the same about having romantic relationships with men, with the added bonus of no homophobia and relatively easy ways of making babies (though there’s also the negative of having to use contraception).

But relationships are not just having sex with friends, ime. It’s much more complicated than that because there are all those feelings involved and commitment and life plans and so on. You’d have the same issues with relationships with women as you do with men.