What type of Swallowtail is this?

I have a Swallowtail butterfly that has been around about a week. The drought is bringing in a lot of interesting stuff, looking for food and water.

Dunno, but it sure is purdy.

Bump? What bump? I don’t even know what a bump is.

That’s your basic Tiger swallowtail.
I let the caterpillars eat my citrus, because the butterflies are so beautiful.

I’m looking for the specific type.
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail?
Western Tiger Swallowtail?

I took other pictures, so if a certain area needs to be looked at, I can try to find it.

Thanks, beowulf I think I’ve seen those around, but HD’s pic looks so much more vibrant.

Definitely a tiger swallowtail, but I can’t figure out which variety. It might possibly be a Canadian tiger swallowtail.