What User Name Was Your Second Choice On This Board?

I seem to recall that I had some reason for not using Cemetery Polka (a Tom Waits song). Or Laiskuri (Finnish for lazy person or slacker)

I’m a bit surprised that Senegoid was available, although that hadn’t occurred to me at the time I signed up here. Sometime afterward, I googled it for the lulz, and found that the Internet is crawling with Senegoids all over the place!

Anybody who knows me IRL and who then comes to this board, I’ll bet would think I’m dolphinboy since I used to be all into dolphins (and worked with them for a few years).

This one, I had another I used in a few places as well as here and a friend had a psychotic break and starting searching for me all over the net, Tuba Diva kindly allowed a change to this and a clean slate. I shut the hell up for a while and am much more audience than cast member these days.

The original me may have been a '99er, not sure

I considered KeeblerElf but opted for GreenElf because I generally choose shorter usernames.

Hello Tittie.

Marvin Molar


Marf Arflebarfle

I’m Octarine or Octarinefire pretty much everywhere else online so that would have been it.

Freaks me out to see Octarine here now.

I’d have been amazed if I’d have needed a second choice and it never occurred to me to have one ready. However, had it been necessary, I’d have no doubt come up with something inane or mundane or otherwise unimaginative, as this was my first foray into the world of message boards.

Honestly, even now, I have no idea what I’d want to use if I couldn’t be FairyChatMom. When I was a little girl, I wanted to be named Ruth - maybe a variant on that? Who knows…

I’m not a good bet to remember what I had for lunch yesterday (as a matter of fact, it was a Big Jack’s with cheese-no onion and a large fry) so remembering over 10 years ago…

Most every other place I use my nickname, which is the first half of my last name, sometimes with other letter-number combos.

Still, with my current moniker, I probably would have gone with Dominic Flandry or Nicholas Van Rijn if I had too.


My first choice was FtG, but I had a long history of computer interaction where login names starting with caps caused problems so I defaulted to the safer choice automatically. It would have been so easy to check.:smack:

MadTV: all the good handles are taken

This IS my second choice nickname. I tried to sign up under my original internet name which I had used on a now-defunct board that closed in 2014, but my request was denied. So I chose this unimaginative, but accurate, one instead.

Another one I considered was jeez-oh-pete.

I started off as Fabulous Creature, but wasn’t manly enough to handle the effeminate connotations of that first word. Had I thought of The New & Improved Superman before someone else did, would hav chosen that.

Oat Willie, a little known, mostly forgotten Underground Comix creation of Gilbert Shelton.

Third choice would have been Mule Dick, which is what my lady friends call me.

Owen Coffin

This was my second choice.

Originally I was Chief Wahoo here on the SDMB, but even back then there were a few Chief names, plus one cheif and a couple of Chefs so I thought I should change.

Also, people kept thinking I was a Cleveland Indians fan.


I signed up on this board in the early 2000s with another name, forgot about it, and then re-joined in 2012 under my current user name. Yes, I alerted the mods and my prior handle has been shut-down.

Mr. Underhill