What was it that Colin said to U2 at the Oscars?

Sorry it took so long for me to remember to ask this. I was wondering what it was that Colin Farrell said to U2 in Gaelic when he introduced them at the Oscars? Can’t seem to Google a transcript/translation (I know…‘if you want a transcript, write down every word they say’), and I didn’t hear what he said very clearly.


From People.com:

Q: When Colin Farrell introduced Best Song nominees U2, what was it
that he said in Gaelic?

A: Irish actor Farrell gave a tip of the hat to his countrymen by
saying, “Go raibh mile maith agat. Agus anois U2!” Translated: “A
thousand thank-yous. And now U2!”

And I have to say, even though Hands that Built America isn’t my favourite U2 song, that performance at the Oscars was incredible!

Thanks! I didn’t think to check at People. :slight_smile:

I’ve been meaning to post this for a couple of days–in the Pit thread about Michael Moore, somebody complained that U2 performed The Hands That Built America instead of, say, Sunday, Bloody Sunday . I just want to point out that they changed the last verse from a remembrance of September 11:

It’s early fall
There’s a cloud on the New York skyline
Innocence dragged across a yellow line

to an anti-war sentiment:

It’s late spring
There’s a cloud in the desert skyline
A father’s son
Is it his or is it mine?

Carry on.

But why would they have performed Sunday when America was the one nominated for Best Song?

And as for Sunday Bloody Sunday, Larry did play a little bit of the drum beat from the song at the end of the Oscars performance. It was such a small piece of it that it took me a couple of listens to figure out what it was, and I’m about as obsessive a U2 fan as they come.

Oh, and Caeser’s Ghost, I suppose I really should give full credit for the translation. I didn’t originally check People myself, I got it from the @U2 mailing list.

And as for Sunday Bloody Sunday, Larry did play a little bit of the drum beat from the song at the end of the Oscars performance. It was such a small piece of it that it took me a couple of listens to figure out what it was, and I’m about as obsessive a U2 fan as they come.

Oh, and Caesar’s Ghost, I suppose I really should give full credit for the translation. I didn’t originally check People myself, I got it from the @U2 mailing list.

Well, that’s interesting. Sorry about the double post.

I didn’t catch the Sunday riff–damn. I was too busy trying to get a good look at Adam!

Caesar’s Ghost --I agree that it wouldn’t have made sense for them to play something other than what they were nominated for.

Two reasons I can think of:

  1. Sunday Bloody Sunday would have been made relevant by the recent start of the war in Iraq

  2. Despite the Oscar, The Hands that Built America is actually a trite piece of garbage, not a “good song.”

KSO, I know what you mean. I think I spent the first half of the song just trying to figure out if Larry and Adam were actually there. Any time they’re on tv, I wish the shows would figure out that Bono and The Edge aren’t the only members of the band.

And sorry for the hijack, but I read on Launch that Bono has done a duet with J-Lo :eek: I hope and pray that it’s just a rumour, but if it’s true, you’ll find me curled up under my bed waiting for the world to end!

I saw the J-Lo story also. That’s just horrifying. Maybe she’ll open for them on their next tour… :smiley:

Oh, GROSS!!! I can’t believe he would do such a thing. Has the man lost all perspective and taste?

A Bono & JLo duet.

Yet another apocalyptic horseman breaks free.


Sinking to that level?

Of a duet with J.Lo?

Why, exactly, isn’t there a ‘I’m curled up in the corner in a fetal position slowly whimpering to death?’ smiley?

:frowning: :confused:

What can I say? I’m an ass man. :smiley:

Hey, if he can be pals with Jesse Helms anything can happen.

Then of course there’s the story that’s been floating around a couple of U2 mailing lists today…someone wrote a news story from “Routers” about Bono’s duet with Celine Dion in Las Vegas last night :smiley:

Now that would truely be a sign of the apocalypse!