What was Lucas thinking with the Porkins character in Star Wars?

Zombies… In SPACE! :slight_smile:

Ahh yes, lietuenant Harry Hector, callsign, “badger”.

Now I thought most rebel pilots WERE former pilots for the empire.

In the radio drama for Star Wars, Biggs is talking to Luke before leaving for the academy that him and a buddy are planning on getting training then defecting to the rebels at a later date.

I was at the Arisia science fiction convention this weekend, and saw a T-shirt advertising Porkins Ribs – “Red Sauce Standing By!”

This scene was filmed, but ended up on the cutting room floor. So was the scene where Luke was out checking the condensers and caught a glimpse of the battle taking place overhead.

If you were in college back in the '70s, you obviously hung out with the wrong crowd… :dubious:

Had Lucas left it in, “Biggs was right. I’m never going to get out of here!” would have made perfect sense.

Yes. Because of that cut scene no one could possibly have any hope of interpreting*“Biggs was right. I’m never going to get out of here!”* I mean, what did Lucas expect? That the audience would think that Luke had a friend named Biggs who had often said that Luke would never get out of here?

Everyone I knew who saw the movie sat there wondering “Biggs? Who the fuck is Biggs?” Including me.

Have you never read Chekhov?

Well, I was 5 years old when I saw it and I and all my 5 year old friends figured Luke had a friend named Biggs who had often said that Luke would never get out of there.
You and I clearly ran with different crowds.
About 5 to 10 years ago, for quite a stretch of time, an annoying number of SDMB posters would throw out a call of “Occam’s Razor!” as shorthand for “I wins all teh argooments because I knowz a text-booky term!!!111!!” For the past couple years, “Chekhov’s gun” has seemed to have taken its place.

Clearly The Force has blessed you with unique mental powers.

I guess I’m one of the few who totally agree with the OP. The Asian stereotype and Jew stereotype are probably also right, but neither of them scream like Porkins, the fat fatso who somehow got to fly for the Rebels despite being such a fat fatso he couldn’t even close his chin strap.

Poor guy.

I never had any problem with the line. Never heard of anyone else having trouble with it, either.

No, that’s Star Trek.

Porkins was one of my favorite characters in the movie.

No, Chekov is Star Trek. Without the “h.”

Like Ralph Wiggum, you’re “special.” :slight_smile:

What did you do with the rest of the 2 hours 4 minutes when Porkins wasn’t on screen?


J.J. Abrams- “Greg! I’m making Star Wars VII! That means you get to be in a Star Wars movie, like you get to be in all of my movies!”

Greg Grunberg- “Yay!”

J.J. Abrams “You get to be an X-wing pilot!”

Greg Grunberg- “Yay!”

J.J Abrams- “Except, you are basically Porkins”

Greg Grunberg- “Yay!”

He had a line that was essentially “They’re coming in behind us! We can’t shake them!” My daughter asked “Why was that guy smiling when he said that?” I told her it was because he was happy he got to be in a Star Wars movie.

If you missed that much of the movie’s sub-text, there’s no helping you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank Christ no one has grabbed this straight line in the last 7 years:

“He’s more machine now than man. Twisted and evil.”