I was watching for some perseids last night when I saw a bright flash out the corner of my eye; I couldn’t see the form of the flash, just the resultant light (like when a bolt of lightning occurs outside of your direct vision).
I’m wondering if perhaps I saw a rather large meteoroid burning up explosively, from head-on? Would that create such an effect?
It probably was a meteorite - it’s time for the annual Perseid’s meteor shower. Maximum is 3:30 am on the 13th of August (hey, that was yesterday!!!). Fotos and I were laying out in a field trying to watch for them (otherwise, how the heck would I have known something like this???) We saw a few, then found other things to occupy our time.
Could it have been an Iridium Flare? Heavens Above says that a flare would have been observed in Toronto (and generally on a North-South line from there), in the West sky, at 4:03am.
Well, at least not on the peak evening. The following night (aka, last night), during the throws of the massive blackout, I had a spectacular view of the sky from my suburban home. I managed to see quite a few perseids, actually. Its really quite incredible how many stars are out there…
If you guys are trying to observe the Perseids, the moon is greatly hindering your attempt… That’s probably why the shower didn’t seem as spectacular as other years… - Jinx