What was the first thing you purchased on Amazon?

Way way back in olde worlde 28 Sep 2010 I bought a pair of AKG earphones. Mine is the only rating and they’re no longer available, either I’m not the leader of fashion in 'phones I thought I was or it was a very limited edition.

Peasant Fires: The Drummer of Niklashausen, by Richard M. Wunderli

I remember it well. It was 2005, my senior year of college. According to the invoice, I paid **17 bucks extra **for next-day delivery because I needed it for a paper.

Nowadays I could get next-day delivery for 3.99 on Prime or, hell, just buy the damn thing on Kindle for even less than the paperback version.

We’re living in the future, ladies and gentlemen.

Górecki Symphony No 3 CD

2nd April, 2004.

Late to the party as usual. First order December 2011. A toaster oven cookbook and some toaster oven sized baking pans. Christmas gifts for my mom, who was downsizing at the time. She still has and uses the cookbook and baking pans.

May 23, 1998; a copy of the play J.B. and a Celtic spellbook. Total: $26.46.

I ran the ‘how much have you spent on Amazon since your first order’ thing, and it was… disturbing.

Wow I guess I’m a luddite, my first order was February 2007 -3 Nintendo DS games for my kid.

It was this: How to Good-Bye Depression: If You Constrict Anus 100 Times Everyday. Malarkey? or Effective Way?

Huh - my account is about the same age as yours (and I’ve had Prime since 2006), but I was actually a little surprised at how low my total was over 15+ years.

It feels like I make an Amazon order weekly on average - and data holds that up: 49 in 2014, 50 in 2015, 13 so far this year - but even with the increase since going Prime it’s still well below what I would have guessed: I suppose I’m a cheapskate even when I’m online… :slight_smile:

Well? What’s the verdict?


(Now I want to read the How to Attain Silent Knowledge book the same author apparently also wrote…too bad it’s only in Japanese.)

My accounts only seem to go back to 2005. I checked Amazon, amazon.co.uk, and amazon.de (all three I’ve ordered from), but I don’t see a single transaction before 2005, and I’m sure I’ve ordered before. My guess would be that I bought a book on card games back in 1999 or 2000, probably the Oxford Dictionary of Card Games.


Apparently an ebook in Aug 2001 called “Coolhunting” for “Microsoft Reader”. Then nothing until December 2001 when I bought two Gamecube games.

Oh my God. That’s a big number. And the most amazing thing is going back to just 2014 is almost half that number.

I ran it and it wasn’t that much considering that I’ve been ordering stuff for 11 years, but I suspect that if I bothered to graph it out I’d see that my expenditures (especially as a proportion of my total spending) on Amazon have been rising steadily that whole time, especially in the last four years or so.

Really, really neat tool.

Also cool was comparing the “list price per unit” total versus the “purchase price per unit” totals. I have saved a ton of money on Amazon discounts. A ton.

Nothing – I just work there.

But the wife bought a horror anthology as her first purchase.

It was malarkey, and I did give it a fair trial.

Actually my second purchase was far more interesting than the first. I don’t recall the title, but I came home to find an Amazon box on my front porch. It wasn’t closed. The average Amazon consumer might have found this alarming, but not me. I had to open it. Inside I found

2 loose turds.

And no return receipt.

“Wallace & Gromit: The First Three Adventures (1990-1995)” DVD in 2000.

But like others, I’m sure I was buying books from them earlier than that. Perhaps using a different account (my ex’s).

June 2001: The three Straight Dope books I didn’t already own, an Icelandic textbook I’d been trying to track down for years, and a humor book.

I Have Always Been Here Before: The Roky Erickson Anthology, ordered 2007.

I might be dense but where are people seeing the total they spent?

A omnibus collection of novels, Don Camillo.