What Was This Computer Game/Desktop Screensaver?

I saw this desktop/screensaver computer game back in 91 or 92, running on Windows 3.11 platform.

The game was basically Asteroids, but instead of black-and-white wire frame ships and rocks, it was colorized with comical looking ships, like the Planet Express ship from Futurama, and had comical sound effects as well.

Does this ring a bell with anyone?

Lunatic Fringe?

I played it on a Mac around that time, but it looks like it was available on Windows as well.

You can play it here!

I played that back in the day. Wow that is a memory-jogger. That was really fun to me as a kid. Asteroids with much better graphics. Thanks for the reminder.

(I also played on a Mac.)

It’s been 30-some-odd years, but yeah, that looks like it! Thanks!

Looks like Lunatic Fringe is it, but another Asteroids clone I played around that time was Comet Busters!

Not so many comical sound effects, but the “asteroids” were often silly things like pool balls.