What were you THINKING?

Thanks. I’ve used the Mac dictation utility for recorded speech before, and was impressed by it. An old scratchy record did not flummox it, but Cenk on the other hand? I swear it gave up and just printed “Stop! No more”.

Ultimately I will probably transcribe by hand, though I may stop writing in that thread as I don’t have any new points to make.

CybroVoicePro 2.0 listened to that video, and output this:

Unable to transcribe. Is this a misogynist who isn’t allowed to run for president? Oh, for fuck’s sake, this is that Cenk guy, isn’t it? What are you doing wasting time like this? Please upgrade to GoOutsideAndTakeAWalk 2.0…

ISTM this thread has become about one person.

I started a thread about a family suing Panara Bread bc their daughter apparently died after drinking one of their caffeinated beverages. The conversation drifted to the McDonalds hot coffee lawsuit from some years back, which makes sense. Then Magiver decided to suggest that the lady in question intentionally poured it on herself (untrue) and dismissively refused to do any research. Maybe it’s not Pit-worthy, but it just really irked me.

Eh, I see that as the thread working as planned. All I want is a place to call other posters out who have (temporarily) gone off the rails. If you’re “gone baby gone” you have your own Pit thread.

Aside @Love_Rhombus, Magiver is worthy of bringing up, but they’ve been an ass enough to have their own Pit thread.

So Hatchie did some things that generated serious ire - but I don’t think they’re trolling (although I had my concern they were heading that way due to the high emotions) so I have -this- thread so we don’t have 2-3 day digressions in the parent threat about a poster being a temporary ass which is not the same as trolling.


And then the thread will be quiet for a while, and later I, or @Whack-a-Mole, or any of us will say something dumb and we’ll take our turn in the hot seat for a few days and then wait for the next screw up.

Just to let you know, Magiver does have his own Pit thread, and it has been active of late.

The fact that two people told me about his thread tells me a lot. :grin:

He’s one of only a few people on my ignore list for a reason.

So everyone else on the list is there for no reason? :wink:



Honestly, this is what the Pit is for. You can have a personal side-conversation here that won’t derail the main thread. This is a good place for discussions of poster behavior that doesn’t quite deserve calling them out in a Pit thread title.

Hatchie- thanks at least for putting in the effort to produce a transcription.

I just need to say piss off to Ted_Striker who I guess has been around for over 10 years but never came to my attention. His stupid schtick in the Taylor Swift thread is plenty annoying – “pop music is terrible, you all are philistines, you should listen to punk and alternative, wake up sheeple!” Whatever, dude, this is tiresome when it comes from a college student trying to impress everyone, and it’s even dumber from a grown-ass man.

But then he drops this gem:

that’s why I listed a few stations (plus one YouTube channel) that don’t play Swiftboob’s (my name for her) mediocre ‘music’

Well aren’t you just a special one.

Yeah, that was some obnoxious hipster bullshit. I tolerated people like that when I was younger and less secure, but now? It’s just pitiful.

I’ve never seen that poster before, but every post annoyed me.

Ted_Boob made the headlines of a local paper:

Counterpoint: Cafe Society is entirely about hipster flexing. The primary pastume is dumping on everyone else’s tastes, in any relevant topic.

This pitting is over a matter of degree, not kind.

I don’t hipster flex anymore because everybody does it now and it’s so played out.

I don’t hipster flex any more because my hip replacement doesn’t move that way.

Yeah, a thread where people are talking about how cool Taylor Swift is is hipster-flexing. So is the thread right above it talking about what vegetables people like, and so is the thread mourning the death of Matt “Chandler” Perry, from that famously hipster show Friends.

Counterpoint: you’re just being a supercilious schmuck, ironically motivated by the same impetus as hipster-flexing. It’s dumb.

Interesting hipster flex there, schmuck.