As the election results seem to be tipping to and fro (more fro Bush at the moment, but you never know), I was wondering…
…How will you react if the election does not go the way you want it to? Will you just sigh and tell yourself it’s only four years, or will you take some sort of (presumably not illegal) action?
I myself have had to deal with serving under a president I was not particularly thrilled to have as my Commander-in-Chief, yet I survived relatively unscathed (whatever scathing I suffered was probably not Clinton’s fault in any case). No matter who is finally elected president, I suspect I will go about my business as usual. I don’t plan to march on the capital demanding a change in how the system works. It works pretty well – it just doesn’t give me what I want every time. Somebody gets the result they hoped for. Maybe next time it’ll be my turn. After all, the vote is pretty close, so neither of the potential presidents has what I would consider a “Mandate of the People”.
I prefer to live in peace with the “opposition” in power (I presume they also want what’s best for America, just a different idea what’s best and how to implement their ideas). It’s not like this is the last election there will ever be, right?