He does not deserve martyrdom. What should happen is that testimony reveals that he promised to lift sanctions in exchange for Russian money and gets convicted of treason and lives out his days in a supermax, along with Ivanka and Jared.
Nothing that spectacular. A quiet, early retirement perhaps. To spend time with family.
Perhaps the OP should clarify - do you mean what’s the best outcome if he stays in office? Hmmm. Given his penchant for being greatly influenced by the person he spends the most time with, perhaps we could somehow pull a Mission Impossible and switch Steve Bannon (or Jared) for Rachel Maddow all done up to look like Steve or Jared.
You did say in this universe anything was possible, right?
Someone comes to me from the future with a time-traveling device. They hand it to me and immediately die. Fortunately it is intuitive to use, and I then use it to travel throughout history and manipulate certain events which will eventually lead to myself being crowned Unquestioned Emperor of the World, thus negating even the possibility of a President Trump (or a President Anybody, for that matter). The oceans will turn red from the wholesale slaughter I would unleash on this world, and I will rule from a throne built from the polished skulls of my enemies.
Hey, you didn’t say it had to be good for everybody.
Scandal prevents Trump and the GOP from accomplishing much of anything. Dems crush the GOP in the 2018 midterms. Incontrovertible proof that he and Pence are both guilty of collusion with Russia. Democratic Speaker of the House becomes president. This is at least in the realm of possibility.
I used to be pretty optimistic about the country and thought failures were mostly among politicians, but after the election I think it’s much more deep seated problem with a gullible, hateful, and stupid electorate. I have no idea how fixing that ends well.
I think we’re seeing some of it. People are coming together to ignore Trump to do the right thing. Latest is city mayors ignoring trump’s pull out of the Paris accord and going forward with their guidelines.
Also other people who are emboldened by Trump hate have not acquired Trump’s immunity and taking a fall for it, such as Greg Gianforte, so Trump is draining the swamp, his own swamp.
All in all the ideal would be for the people to ignore Trump, let haters explode to be sent to prison, and the nation prosper for it.
First, let me get the snarky answer out the way, then I’ll move on the serious one.
Snarky answer: extremely public alien abduction. It’s exciting and will drive internet chatter for years. Including conspiracy theories that it wasn’t really aliens, with various plots as to who it was and what the motive was. Also, means aliens exist and pay attention to Earth. And since they’ve never paid attention before, that means Trump is important. But both sides get their way: one side can say he’s so close to perfect the aliens had to have him while the other side can say he was so terrible, the aliens were saving Earth from him.
On the serious note, the best case for me is that he isn’t president of the United States by 2021 and that enough people see it as ludicrous that he was elected that politics changes. There’s lately been talk of Fox news going down the tubes, partially because of ratings drops recently with the Trump-Russia issues (partially they lost some talent relatively recently). That would be fantastic. I think people are jumping the gun on speculating its death throes, but it would be great. I want to make sure mainstream outlets like that on the left don’t start popping up (can’t foresee the websites and fringey types going away). I don’t hold a lot of hope for all the people to stop with Jade Helm and Birther nonsense, but it would be great if the right could do as the left does in the sense that typically (not always, but typically), the mainstream media and the politicians themselves on the left do not parrot that crap like certain GOP politicians and Fox News do. But those sorts of topics could stay fringe and not be treated the way they have been on the right - that’d be fantastic. You know, if Trump was like our Garfield assassination (with no actual killing); a big impetus for change for the better. Back then it was graft and corruption; today it could be media behavior and hyper partisanship and such.
You want just jokes, or a real possibility? I can’t tell for sure. “Given a universe where everything is possible” strongly suggests jokes, but the opening sentence and the thread title suggest the opposite.
Anyway. I’m not good at joke posts, so I’ll take a short stab at realistic.
There's only one thing that has happened since Trump became President, that immediately caused him to change directions: the deaths of children in Syria via gas attack. That suggests that despite his ego-boosted determination never to admit he's said or done anything insanely stupid no matter what, he CAN be made to recognize some things, if something violent enough or tragic enough happens. So if you want anything to turn around, you need to hope for horrific destruction of some kind. Perhaps Florida in it's entirety turns into a sinkhole, and vanishes over night, making him realize that maybe SOME scientists know SOMETHING after all. Or perhaps he manages to get all sanctions lifted from Putin and Russia,and Putin uses the opportunity to invade all of the Ukraine, so that Trump finally recognizes that Putin is a real danger, and not just the nicest, sweetest viciously murderous dictator Trump's ever been romanced by.
Short of that, nothing will stop Trump from making more mistakes like the ones he’s made so far, alienating the rest of the world, and undermining American interests everywhere.
Trumps supporters are identical to the extreme left wing types of the 1970’s, so there’s no hope for you there. Just as the left wing type Anti People of the 70’s refused to admit that they were supporting liars, criminals, and worse, who were only PRETENDING to love everyone, Trumps support comes from people who he was absolutely right about: he could rape their mothers and wives in front of them, then kick them in the groin while calling them losers, and they would attribute it all to his sense of humor, or his ultra secret clever plan to make everything turn out great for them in the long run.
Don’t look for help from the Democrats as a party: they have been lost in self-delusions for even longer than the Republicans, and the only reason the GOP isn’t as lost, is that it swore direct allegiance to a specific set of lies to tell their supporters, starting in the late 70’s, and so unified that way at least.