What would you do? Bad, bad, bad beck's CNA is gonna get herself in trouble. I see it coming. She's very good to me, so I really hate this

Ankle alarm?

You’re in prison, aren’t you. You can tell us.

Well, if you develop a habit of falling down each time nobody is watching you, an ankle alarm, no matter how imprisoning, is probably a good idea.

@Beckdawrek Have you ordered a helmet yet? I’m thinking of doing so because I fell while vacuuming this weekend. I didn’t hit my head but, winter is waiting to make an entrance and I don’t want to hit my bean on the ice (again).

Well sure. Sounds like she was just trying to find somewhere to tunnel out. “Falling down”. Pffffft.

The cats want to help.

I feel like a prison inmate
They say the thingy on my ankle is specifically to keep me from taking a run-away. Since I figured out the door alarm system.
They have another thing to restrain me at night.
The dirty filthy medical staff.

Be ever diligent.
There’s always a way to escape, I always say.

Piece of chewing gum over the transmitter.

Roller skates.

That’s all I’m allowed to say at the moment.


Restrain you?

I could understand pulling up the side rails of the bed to keep you from falling, but physically restraining you to keep you in bed sounds quite medieval!

I sure hope your family knows about this!


We’ve discussed it. It seems the safe thing to do, for now.

If they start withholding food.

Ummm. I’ll send out an SOS.

I’m fine. I’d rather not whack my head again.

@carnut-- I did get a helmet. It’s kinda stupid. They only make me wear it to Dialysis.

Do you need some flame stickers for your helmet? Some other kind of stickers?

I’m sure we can supply.

What’s a CNA? I read the first few posts and found no explanation.

Certified Nursing Assistant.

Yeah. What he said.

When I was in recovery from surgery, they tied a leash around me and walked me up and down the corridor.

Should have done my business there, too.

What business are you in? I would think conducting business in hospital garb would be problematic.

Now that’s just plain silly. Sounds like they are not paying the attention they should to you. Perhaps you have been there too long to be noticed. I’ve seen this happen in recovery homes. Eventually they stop seeing you as a person and just as a task to be completed if you are there more than a month. You wear that helmet whenever you go for a walk. I hope it’s a loud, obnoxious color.


Hi-vis orange. :slight_smile:

Hey Beck – you wear that helmet whenever you get out of bed.

Pretty please? For us and for JoJo?

I don’t know. It needs a feather or a bow or sump’thin’.

I think flames would be cool.

Thx @Yllaria

Why not all three?