What ya smokin' in the MMP?

This made me snortle-laugh.

I can’t link to it here, but there’s a Pinterest of a dog water bowl, surrounded by potted plants (probably pothos ivy) to soak up the drippies.

Did this with Former I.T. Guy’s dog, and it worked splendidly.

Amazon, baby.

taters, what you may be looking for is one that I just bought. According to the copy, there’s room for a 10" tablet inside (I’ve not taken mine out of the case to test that out). It’s a cross body and has enough room for my billfold, phone, badge, keyring and a flashlight.

Congrats on the new niece or nephew nuts!

{{{MrsBumba}}} Back pain sucks.

Got some administrative irk done this morning, played in the studio and took Nelson to the dog park (he met a couple of buddies and a couple of new puppers). We picked up a Philly cheese steak for sup and I stopped at the produce stand at the end of the street on the way back for a couple of potatoes, a tangerine and a dragonfruit (spent all of $2 :slight_smile: ). Now it’s surfing, playing in the studio and watching TV.

I cooked breakfast (as usual, for a Saturday) and we finished eating around 0900. Between 1030 or 1100 we went out back. Mrs. L.A. started a fire in the fire pit, to get rid of the remnants of the shed roof I demolished last year. You’ll recall that termin-ridden cedar we had cut down a moth or so ago. There was a ‘core’ trunk, two-thirds surrounded by one or two trunks that grew around it. I wondered if the trunks could be separated. I got out two wedges and an eight-pound sledge hammer. It was pretty easy. I’d only intended to to the largest segment, but went on to do some more. Then I started salvaging the non-termite ridden parts as firewood, which I stacked in the new wood shed. The termite-ridden wood I started stacking, and I’ll put it out for free camp wood. After about four or five hours it started raining. Good. I was getting tired. There’s still a lot of big ones to turn into little ones, but I’m done for the day. As it was, I had to wring out my bandana.

There was enough run in the bottle for two drinks. I’ve poured my second one. And I’ve had a shower.

What’s for dinner? I’m thinking leftover rib-eye steaks and corn onna cob. I think I’m hungry. It’s 1610 now, and I haven’t eaten in over seven hours.

Evening all. Nappage has been completed (I woke up about 5:45pm, but it took another half hour to convince my body that it was ok to move). Dinner has been consumed (I had subsisted on 2 cupcakes, a can of Mountain Dew, and copious amounts of water up until then) and I’m feeling mildly human again.

FCM, best decision if the BIL is that irresponsible, and visiting elderly parents to boot…

shady, I don’t always understand everything in your posts, but by damn you lead an interesting life. Take care.

OK, need to take dishes to the kitchen…in a bit. All y’all take care.


Cats are tricky to medicate. I did a quick check for you and didn’t see a safe and easy answer. Maybe offer her a warm towel or something hot to sleep on and see if that helps. I’ll try and do a little digging.

Did laundry :smiley: and napped. Maked Asian BBQ stir fry for dinner,and having a gin&tonic.

: adds to Amazon Wish List :

She is. Also there is a Filbert Street in Raleigh.

Up stupid early because we scheduled FCD’s meds at 5 and 11. That includes 5 of the AM and 11 of the PM. Gonna be a long week… He was really hurting this morning, but it was expected as it’s 2 days post surgery and all the good hospital drugs have worn off. After he wakes for reals, we’re going to create a PT schedule, since he’s supposed to do his exercises 3X per day . Thank goodness for phone alarms, else I’d lose track of what happens when.

I’ve got to do some tidying today and I need to set the dining room up for 5 for dinner. If I’m lucky, I can carve out some time to tread the mill. What I really want is to sleep, but I’m too awake to sleep at the moment. Yep, long week ahead.

But it’s my baby girl’s birthday, so they’ll all be over some time after lunch. We’re having an early dinner just because. Maybe I can steal a snooze between tidying and their arrival.


Happy Sunday!!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 63 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 91 and N.O.S. for the day. The big item on today’s agenda is deheathenization. I get to plop myself in a pew and be amongst the rank and file. Vestry meetin’ afterwards. I like this change in meetin’ time from second Moanday evenin’ to first Sunday. We shall have a late N.O.L./early sup of bbq sammiches, and N.O.T. sallit.

Happy Birthday to FCDaughter!

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then purtification for deheathenization must commence.

Happy Sunday Y’all!

Having a potential nibling is a big enough surprise without becoming a bloke as well :smiley:

Tis unexpectedly warm here today, but a bit overcast. Currently have the washing on, then plan to head out for walkies- something I’ve not done near enough of since moving here, which will hopefully blow some cobwebs out my brain. I also need to do a bit of shopping, having done nothing whatsoever yesterday.

Morning all. This is mowage day, so I will probably get out there about 9:30am before it gets hot again (high of 85F). Rain is due tonight and tomorrow, so need to get it done. Will then like FCM have an early dinner (Red Robin, YUM!) this afternoon. Outside of that nothing much on the agenda.

Have a nice Sunday with the family, FCM

Happy Sunday!

Have a wonderful celebration with your daughter Mooooooom.

Up, caffeinating, breakfasted and fixing to do lunch prep for the week before KP. Such excitement!

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

Is flytrap still around? I haven’t noticed any posts from him.

There’s no doubt about it - I would have been a lousy nurse! I’m doing my best for my sweetie, but no way I could make this effort for any non-family member. Nope.

His nurses and techs at the hospital were aces! I’m glad they want to do what they do. I’m glad I don’t have to do it to put food on the table… Yay, nurses!

< checks watch > One hour till next round of meds.

Good morning, everyone.

Sending best get better wishes to your wifey, Bumba. Back pain is no joke.

I hope FCD has a good day today, FCM. And, it sounds like he’s at least trying cooperate with you; imagine how difficult it would be if he didn’t. I hope today and the following days go well once the routine and meds set in.

Happy Birthday to your daughter, FCM! It sounds like you have a very nice day and meal planned for everyone.

The birthday party for Zoe went very well and we had a very nice time. Yesterday, both the grandkids decided I was their favorite and wanted ALL the snuggles. It was wonderful. Zoe had a great time playing with her little friend Leighton and when L left, Zoe wanted all of us to play. We played with her new kitchen set, her little dollhouses, in the bounce house, on her swings, and with the balls. It was a busy day. Adam lights up the room with his constant laughs and smiles. That boy is the sunniest boy in the world. At any rate, as evening crept up, Zoe decided it was nest time, so she brought her blanket, favorite babies, and tablet and snuggled up with me. Adam decided he had to join us, so there I was snuggling with both kids and it was great!

For all the fun, it was a bittersweet day. While we were at the kids I received a voice mail from the vet. The histopathology report came back for Polar. The news wasn’t good. I was thinking that since so much time had gone by, they hadn’t found anything. Sadly, there is still some cancer in the margins beyond where the tumor was located. I am heartbroken. My options are to talk to an oncologist about radiation/chemo or use Rymadil to help slow down the growth. I have to talk to both vet and the specialist to see what that really means. My husband doesn’t want to go the chemo route, but I need to find out more before I make a final decision. Polar is 13 and my husband doesn’t want him feeling ill from treatment, and I don’t want him feeling bad or suffering either. More information to follow; I just need time to absorb all of this and make appropriate plans.

My son was planning on coming to hang out with us today. I’m looking forward to it. Not sure what time he’ll be here. He was at the birthday party for Zoe and stayed the night there to hang out with the kids. My mother was also there and stayed the night, so the plan was to take her home and then come over here.

I need to get the grass cut, but I’m not sure if I’ll do it today or tomorrow. I’ll have to see how things go.

I had a wonderful moment last night, as I was getting ready for bed, when I remembered that Monday is a holiday! I can go to CVS later and maybe do some of the stuff inside the house that I didn’t get to yesterday, and still have another day off work! :smiley:

I never notice when I’m being bitten by a mosquito; I don’t realize it until the bite starts to itch. While doing the yard work yesterday morning I remembered to wear long pants but completely forgot about long sleeves, and today I have five pretty big bites on my arms (three on the left and two on the right). :frowning: They are very itchy. The main reason for today’s trip to CVS is to pick up a prescription, but instead of using the pharmacy drive-thru I’ll go inside and also get some Benadryl. I could have sworn I had some in my big metal first aid box, but other than Band-Aids and pain relievers I only have Neosporin and Anbesol. After some Googling, I decided to try using the Anbesol topically: it seems to be helping a little, but I’d rather get something designed for this purpose. I also tried an ice pack, and that helped (more than the Anbesol), but I’d need to sit completely still in order to keep both arms on ice…not my strong suit. :wink:

I recommend always checking with a vet before giving any people meds to an animal. Especially a small animal like a kitty, where dosage might be super important. I hope she’s feeling better today!

I am sure you’re doing a wonderful job! Plus, I think just being you – and being there – will help FCD more than a “perfect nurse” could.

Oh, Taters. :blue_heart:

He’s not being a problem at all, other than constantly apologizing for being a burden… He’s in a lot of pain, but we knew that would be the case. I just suspect the pain is worse than he expected. He’s been doing his exercise and walking around. But he can’t put his TED hose on, and those suckers are a challenge! Plus they forgot to give us the extra set of ice packets for his knee and using ice leads to a leaky mess. I ordered some spares - we should get them tomorrow.

I want to do everything I can to keep him as comfortable as possible, but some things have to progress on their own. Even the drugs don’t erase the pain, alas. Poor guy…

So sorry to hear about Polar. I know you’ll figure out what’s best for him. Hugs!!

Almost time for the next round of drugs…

This made me smile.

So sorry about the results for Polar but we know you will make the right decision. Scritches in his direction meanwhile.

Made it about three seconds from work before I lost it. Called my mom, my dad, and then about three friends last night - anyone who would know what I was dealing with.

Well, drunk-dialed them, because now, I have zero memories of any conversation. I just remember being comforted by the sound of each voice.

Dammit, I asked my Former I.T. Guy if he’d moved in with his new girlfriend, and now I don’t remember the answer.
If I ask again, it’ll seem like I’m obsessed.

I’m gonna wander off. Maybe sit in the sunshine for a bit.

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Gordie has had 2 walks already, and I’m hapy to report we’ve gone 3 days without being molested by rocky the smol squirrel. I’m made a mushroom, Swish, and green omelet with toast and bacon for breakfast. Time to clean!

He’s posting on Facebook anyways. I guess he gave up on us when he found out he wasn’t getting our CD collections.

{{{{Taters and Polar}}}}


Only users lose drugs. :wink: But hope they kick in for FCD.
And Happy Birthday FairyChatDaughter! :partying_face: :birthday:

Late morning all. Lawn has been mowed after a visit to get gas, the army worm damage has cut down the clippings from 4-5 bags to 2, hope the treatment works. Also managed to set off my car panic alert with my keys in my pocket, came out of the backyard and from the echos, though it was my neighbor across the street, so I yelled to check if they were OK, she made some hand gestures that I finally figured out meant that it was me, so I shut the alarm off…first time in memory that it has happened, it is nice to know that the alarm is quite loud…

{{Polar}} and {{Taters}}. At least the kids had a good time with you about.

{{shoe}}. Life ain’t fair…but no one ever promised that. Stay strong and we’ll be here.

Good luck with the mosquito treartment, OOpsie

OK, need to bathe here shortly. All y’all take care.

Happy Sunday!

Rainy and chilly out today. I wish I had worn my hoodie to the dog park. Kind of glad I didn’t do laundry yesterday and didn’t have any clean shorts for today, so I had to wear pants. I didn’t really notice how chilly it was until I sat down in the pavilion.
No surprise that only Lucy and Lily showed up.
Rain doesn’t stop us. I don’t know if that means we are stupid, or dedicated.

Yesterday was a beautiful day, but a day of many small irritations.
One tire needed air. At least the new truck tells me which one, and the sensor went out after we filled it. A number of friends didn’t make it to the park because of problems in their lives.
The grocery store messed up our order. They gave us stuff we didn’t order. I didn’t call them back and I feel guilty for it, but at the same time the woman who brought out our order was kind of rude and I didn’t feel like taking the items back.
The drive to the store sucked yesterday. I have to drive down one of the worst streets to get there, and people were out all over the place. Not looking where they were going, stepping out in front of cars. One woman almost got hit. She got out of a car, swinging the door open into traffic, walked across the street, leaving the door open. Somebody in the car closed the door and she went running back to the car as the driver was taking off. Don’t know what it was all about, but I’m surprised she didn’t land on her ass when she jumped back. The driver didn’t even stop.
But yesterday was one of those, if you pick it up, you’re going to drop it, tripping over your own feet, bumping into stuff kind of days.
My son was grumpy all day. It’s not usual for us to argue, but we sure did yesterday. He finally went to bed. Told me to get him up at 6. That wasn’t happening, he could keep his grumpy ass in bed as far as I was concerned. He finally woke at 9 and asked me why I didn’t get him up. I told him he was tired and needed the sleep, which sounds a whole lot better than damned if I wanted to put up with your grumpy assed attitude.
Maybe I’ll call the store today. They’ll probably tell me to keep the stuff.
Sad news too as I found out
Jeanne Robertson

Not much going on today. I have to do some laundry.
I need to send an email to irk, and it is going to be a pita figuring out how to word it.
I have to unpack all the boxes in the living room. I unpacked enough to find the dogs’ favorite treats and my favorite protein bars.
I remembered to stop by the ATM and get cash for the Pooch Plunges.
I hope the weather warms up a bit. My dogs won’t get in the pool unless I get in and take them with me. I’m not getting in if it’s cold.
They don’t enjoy the water anyway. They do enjoy meeting up with their friends and making new ones.

Happy Birthday to FCDaughter
Glad FCD is doing well. I cannot imagine the pain though. It makes me hurt to think about it.

I hope all works out well with Polar, Taters.
Nice that you could have a good time with the grandbabies.

I miss Flytrap and Spidey

I can’t spend any time outside this year as the mosquitoes are so bad. We even had them for a bit at the dog park, and they always circle around me. I can’t sit out back at all.

Congrats on the impending Auntiehood, Nuts. I had so much fun with my nieces when they were little.

Hope you kitty is okay, Shady.

I know once I get up and get moving, I’ll feel more inspired to get stuff done.