What ya smokin' in the MMP?

Aw, how sad! She never failed to crack me up!

I’ve prepped most of the veggies for dinner. The spuds are going to be cooked and mashed with their skins. So not much else for me to do till they all get here. My poor sweetie is sleeping. His leg was really swollen and I think his morning exercises exacerbated the swelling. He needs stronger pain meds - I hope he calls his doc on Tuesday.

For now, I can chill. House is still open and it’s nice out, but I expect I’ll have to close things up this afternoon. We shall see.

taters I am so sorry to hear about Polar. {{{hugs}}}

shoe is there anything you can do in your off time to keep busy? Volunteer or work out? I worry about you being alone. Sending love and support your way.

Swish? Swiss cheese blessed by autocorrect, I’m guessing.

flytrap is posting elsewhere here. I also saw a Spidey post. Maybe they’ll peek in at some point.
@carnivorousplant @Spiderman {{{hugs}}}

Happy Birthday to FairyChatDaughter!

Tuesday I have a video visit scheduled with my neurologist’s office. It’s a pre-procedure visit. Assuming that goes well, then sometime in the near future I will spend a week in the hospital getting a lidocaine infusion. It sounds awful, but it has good results in reducing chronic pain. I have moderately high hopes.

Today I think we’re continuing our ambitious plans of sitting around and watching movies. We’ll intersperse that with some light cleaning and possibly deal with recycling.

Happy Sunday everyone!

Thank you, thank you, we try.

Hope the pain meds start covering the pain soonest. Keep moving that leg in spite of it, seems counter-intuitive but moving it and the exercises will help. Sorry that either of you have to deal with bad knees. I had to do it for a year after a fall that shredded a knee~still have the pretty baby blue walker, hoping to never need it again. Here’s hoping FCD is chasing you around the kitchen by sunset!

:confetti_ball::tada::partying_face::musical_note::notes: happy, happy :birthday: birthday :cake: dinner :cupcake: FCMooom Daughter :notes::musical_note::partying_face::confetti_ball::tada:

More for @Taters and Polar :green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:

Have some more {{{{{{{ shoe }}}}}} before you go.

My guests are heading back to Seattle. Yesterday they went to the aquarium. Today it’s the Space Needle and the glass museum. They got tickets to all these weeks ago. They’ll be back late this afternoon, and they’re taking me out to dinner tonight before they head home.

Really, it isn’t niceness. I just can’t stand to turn away people in need, especially someone I know so well and who’s so sweet and had such abusive, toxic parents she’s had to cut off all contact with them. And her hubs is a good guy. We stayed up very late talking, but I’m not as wiped as I was yesterday. So far I’ve watered the balcony jungle, swept the balcony, and done a load of laundry. I won’t wash their sheets until they head home lest they feel I can’t wait to get rid of them. I’ll send lots of food with them. (That’s the rule when you visit me: you leave with food.) She’ll split it with my daughter.

{{{{{shoe}}}}} When grief has you by the throat, nobody who’s a decent human being would criticize what you do to survive it, whether it’s getting drunk, bursting into tears, or, should you feel so inclined, screaming and/or throwing things. You’re a good person. I wish you didn’t have to suffer so.

Taters, so very sorry about Polar. That’s rough news. I hope the info you get from the vet helps make your decision easier. Maybe you already know this, but chemo doesn’t affect dogs the way it does humans. Around 90% have no side effects at all. That was true with my son’s dog. I’m sorry you and Polar have this rough journey.

FCM, I hope FCD’s pain level eases up some. And Happy Birthday to :fairy: Fairy Chat Daughter!

Howdy Y’all! I survived an almost two and a half hour Vestry meeetin’ that included almost an hour in executive session. Waaaaay toooooo loooooong! Fortunately OYKW had foodstuffs prepared when I got back to da cave cause I was hongree! That and a nap have revived me. He even drug the biiiiiiiig trash can all the way down to the road for pickup tomorrow. Then we remembered tomorrow is a holiday so it’ll just sit there until Tuesday.

{{{Taters and Polar}}} I’m sure you will do what’s best for him. So glad you had such a good time with the little ones yestiddy.

Hope FCD’s pain is lessened soonest MOOOOOOM.

{{{shoe}}} nuttin’ to add here, but wanted to give you a virtual hug.

The birthday dinner was good. There’s a small hunk of cow and some green beans/'shrooms/onions, but everything else was ingested. I sent the cuppycakes home with them, even tho they’re not the best thing for gestational diabetes. I’m guessing Roxy and her Papa will snarf most of them down.

FCD is in bed - he’s really hurting. He’s even been taking his oxy, which he was trying to avoid. Poor guy. I just called in a refill on his gabapentin - that seems to help. I brought his cane to the bedroom to help him when heading into the bathroom. The door is too narrow for the walker and the bathroom is too small for a person and a walker. He was making his way by grabbing on to furniture and windowsills and such, but I had visions of him falling. The cane does make a difference.

I’m hoping tomorrow will see less pain. I know he’s really hurting because he usually just sucks it up.

On the plus side, the dishes are done and the house is quiet. Chillage shall ensue.

The trip to CVS was successful, but apparently there is not enough Benadryl in the world for these mosquito bites. And I discovered two more on my right arm, bringing the grand total to 7. Meh. The silver lining is that I used the itching as an excuse to further put off doing the things around the house. :grin: I know it will be much better tomorrow, but it’s crazy to me how something so relatively minor can be so distracting.

I’ve started doing some planning for my trip to NYC. Two weeks from today I’ll be back home already! I’ll be on my own the first night and I figure that’s when I’ll go find some live jazz, so I looked up a few venue schedules: I wasn’t sure there’d be much worth seeing on a Thursday in the middle of September, but the first three places I checked have great shows that night! I even sort of know someone in one of them. I think I’ll go to the early show at one place and the later show at another (I’m definitely planning to nap when I get to the hotel!). I’ll wait a few more days before buying any music tickets, but yesterday I booked the car service — from my aunt’s place in NJ to the hotel, and back — and made the kennel reservation for my dog. Next weekend I’ll decide which Yankees shirt I want to wear to the game. I’m starting to get psyched. :slight_smile:

I’m sorry to hear the bad news about Polar taters. You’ll make the right decision.

Got the Sunday chores done and supper (Tuscan sausage lentil soup) fixed and have been trying for an hour to install the driver for the new !@#$ing printer. Oy!

As both DH and Facebook reminded me, today’s Misty’s acquisition anniversary. She’s been here a year today. Tomorrow is the two-year anniversary of DH’s broken leg.

New fire 33 miles away from me, in Auburn. So far, 40-ish acres, but one news site mentioned unfortunately good conditions for it to grow.

I cleaned, and washed Gorie’s sleeping towels. Now he has fluffy towels to snooze in.

My phone’s otter corrupt is full of shirt.

[Yakko Warner]HELLLLOOOOOOOOOO, NURSE![/Yakko Warner]

Yay! I have achieved printing! (no thanks to !@#$ing fake driver sites)

That new fire near Auburn is growing alarmingly fast. Latest report by Cal Fire on Facebook says 200+ acres already.

Nothing like a long weekend to remind me why capitalism is unpopular to some.

And I like my job.

Thanks for the laughs.

All y’all, thank you for the love. This is literally the only place I feel it right now, so thanks to all Mumpers who took a moment to post at me. I did see each one.