I can't believe I'm starting the MMP

It’s just about 12:40 PM ET here in lovely Northern Virginia, and it’s a nicer day than I expected! Right now it’s 80° F and sunny, with low humidity and a decent breeze. I probably should have opened my windows when I got up, but now it’s too hot (and won’t get cooler until sunset). Ah, well.

I am so happy to be off work today. Mostly I enjoy my job, but it’s amazing the difference a three-day weekend can make every now and then. I stayed up too late reading – I finished Stephen King’s Billy Summers and started Meg Wolitzer’s The Interestings (which a friend recommended) – but I knew I could sleep in this morning if needed. And I did, not rolling out of bed until around 8:30! Woo hoo!

I know everyone’s just dying to hear about the state of my mosquito bites, so I’ll tell you: they still itch quite a bit. :frowning: But at some point yesterday evening I got tired of the mess the Benadryl cream was making, and remembered that I have a box of individually wrapped Preparation-H wipes in the closet. Witch hazel with aloe helps, and using wipes vs cream is much cleaner! The Benadryl is more effective, though, and I’ve been using that so far today.

Lunch will be the last of the leftover pizza…eating better will resume tomorrow. :smiley: Aside from finishing the laundry that I started this morning, my plans for the day include a lot of couch-sitting and TV-watching. Season 5 of Billions finally resumed yesterday: I’m looking forward to the new episode, but it’s been over a year since the last one aired so I think I’ll refresh my memory via the Showtime app first.

Hang in there, FCM:blue_heart:

Maybe it’s just me, but 33 miles doesn’t seem all that far away when talking about a fire… :anguished: Do you have any concerns about it being close?


Nice!! :money_mouth_face:

(I’ve never used that emjoi before in my life…it seems appropriate, but hopefully it isn’t actually insulting or anything!)