What ya smokin' in the MMP?

Good morning everyone.

I AM TAH-RED. But, yesterday I finished and submitted the one big project that had to be submitted by today and can move on to the next several big projects, one of which includes my significant achievements for my evaluation. Those need to be done by Thursday. That’s not so big, other than I hate writing them.

Jane, thanks for the liver treat recipe. The problem with Polar is that he pretty much just doesn’t seem to like dog food, so I am having to cook for him all the time now. I would just like a break from it, is all. But, today, I shall boil up chicken thighs and cook some more brown rice. Last night, he received part of my chicken dinner and over-easy eggs. He doesn’t have a problem eating most “treats”, especially if there is peanut butter on them. He ADORES doggy ice cream and has no problem snarfing that down. He’s just a Siberian Husky-stubborn, vocal, and in his younger days very mischievous if we didn’t keep him occupied.

I fell asleep on the couch for 15 minutes last night and woke up to the doorbell and someone knocking on my door at 9:00 pm. Very suspicious, but I went and looked. Under my front door mat was a recall mat from the company that makes my husband’s CPAP/BI-PAB. Now I have to call his damn doctor and get a prescription for a new machine because he’s supposed to quit using at soon as possible because the foam in the machine is breaking off and causing issues such as sinus infections, coughs, etc. The problem is he NEEDS the machine and Phillips doesn’t have a fix yet. So frustrating. At any rate, I need to confirm which model the husband has, register it online, and wait for the fix. In the meantime, we’re told to install an inline filter. How about they just send a new damn machine?

I was telling my husband I was beginning to look forward to autumn and autumn weather because I miss eating soups and stews. We don’t typically eat that kind of stuff in the summer and I’ve been craving some of my soup homemade soups and stews.

Afternoon, mumpers! It is a balmy 15C/59F and partly cloudy today. Actually, it’s “mostly” cloudy out there and it was drizzling when I left home so not very happy about that. You can tell that the meteorological end of summer is upon us, the train operator had the heating on this morning. So much for well-ventilated trains and open windows to keep covid at bay…now that 95% of passengers have abandoned masks, and we have heating on, I’m sure covid is rubbing its hands with glee. This is also the point where the university has decided we should all be back for at least 60% of our working week.

We did get a bonus day off for the last summer bank holiday yesterday. I spent mine at a music festival in Bury - around 200 bands performing in a variety of locations both indoors and outdoors so there was plenty going on. We had already found three bands we wanted to see, fortunately they were all scheduled on the same stage at 3pm, 4pm and 5pm. Naturally, said stage was running at least 40mins late so our early evening plans had to be revised. Got home just before 11pm last night, so I didn’t bother setting my alarm to come to campus this morning, decided I’d just get up when I did. And that was 7am.

Now I am back to being tired, bored and frustrated!

Morning all. It was raining when I went to bed last night at 11:30 and it’s raining this morning at 8am, so I’m pretty sure I’ll be inside most of today. Seanette, we’ve been dry for over a week here in 90F heat so we needed the rain, but I’d gladly ship you 50% of what we got the last 16 hours.

boo fae, sounds like a good time was had.

Taters, hope the CPAP problem gets worked out ok.

OK, need to be about the last day of August. All y’all take care.


Thanks! You drink about half of the beer before inserting it. and it steams during the cook and infuses the chicken with a very nice flavor.

He was talking about wine, but once I heard Emeril Lagasse say “If you wouldn’t drink it, why would you put it in your food?” I drink Mexican beer so the cans in that photo are Modelo Especial.



[quote] I thought I might try that with one of these chickens. Unfortunately, I don’t think I could fit both in my little smoker in this configuration at the same time. We shall see… Looks yum, tho!
The only problem is we don’t drink beer and I don’t know if we can buy a single small can. I’ve seen larger single cans for sale. I’ll have to investigate.[/quote]
They are very tasty. It is pretty easy here in flyover country to buy a single beer. Maybe you could gift a friend of yours five out of a six-pack to come up with a single to cook with.

Good morning folks. I am not awake. Not. Awake. But yet, here I type as I move the boy along and get him onto the school bus. I love school buses. They drive so I don’t. Now I will stop. Have I mentioned that I am not awake?

Happy Toosday!

Wet and muggy outside, and the mosquitoes are horrible.
The dogs had a good time at the park and we have a new friend, I hope he keeps coming. A four-month-old golden retriever. His owner is deaf, so I guess I’ll have to learn ASL. We did the best with could with communication. Also explains why she didn’t respond to our good mornings.
I squicked her out a bit. Her puppy got slimed and she was trying to get him so she could wipe it off, with a plastic bag. I just used my hand; it was just a little bit.
This is her first dog, she’ll learn. Slime happens.

I’ve been thinking about getting a smoker. Don’t know yet.
The beer can chicken does look good.

Supposed to rain today, and tomorrow. I think it’s part of Ida.
Last night we had a huge downpour, of course it started as I was driving my son to irk. It was so bad I thought I was going to have to pull over.

My son has some vacation time, so he is going in two hours late on Tuesday so I can go to the Pooch Plunge. I thought about not going this year, but it is a lot of fun.

“We may experience some slight turbulence, then explode.” - Malcolm Reynolds, Firefly.
Not really, but the returm belt motor in the mezzanine did catch fire. While I was up there. but it was small, and got snuffed. Although having to hurl all the boxes 15 feet off the mezz onto the 300 table was not ideal(if that 50" TV you were returning wasn’t broke before, it probably is now).

Are there any bottle shops in your area? You can buy singles there.

doggio - we went to one some time back. They just had big cans. I can probably figure something out…

Today is Paw Patrol instead of Blaze, so I’ve got that going for me. :grin: This kid will never know classic cross-dressing Bugs Bunny. Sad.

Got a text from Mrs. L.A., RN: ‘I lost another patient :cry:

Unfortunately, that’s a hazard of the job. She started her business to help people who couldn’t get to a podiatrist, and they tend to be elderly with medical conditions.

flyboy - some years back, I had a friend who was a nurse on an oncology floor. I honestly don’t know how she did it. Hugs to your wife.

Roxy and I just did a convenience center run. She helped me toss cardboard into the big recycle dumpster. She wanted to push the button to crush it - didn’t like when I told her we’re not allowed to. Plus you need a key to activate it. Anyway, it got us out of the house for a few minutes. I needed a break from Paw Patrol.

Got an email from Princess Cruise Lines - they’ve got a series of cruises around Japan in 2023. We’re going to take a look. I was never particularly interested in that part of the world, but FCD is. Wonder if we can make a detour to Australia?? :thinking:

I tried to call her, but had to leave a message. She texted back, ‘I’m OK’

It was convoluted thinking. My bonked brain has a rag-tag thought process. I know you’re in Merrylande, I knew there are forest fires in Minnesota (surprising in itself), Nevada Barr’s writing about the forest fire in that book is sooo vivid I wouldn’t advise reading it if you were in an area that conceivably could have forest fires and I was searching for a natural boundary to areas likely to have wildfires. I seized on the Missouri or Mississippi rivers as potential demarcation lines since for the vast majority of my life I have lived next to one or the other of them-Iowa, Nebraska, St Louis, but couldn’t put my finger on which one would work given that the state of Minnesota currently has wildfires. Turns out that the eastern border of Minnesota is not formed by the Mississippi so my whole concept was down the River, so to speak. Welcome to the convoluted world of traumatic brain injury, I wish I could find my way out.

Trust me, if you lived in Minnesota, I would have already jumped in my trusty Honda and been to visit. A jaunt to Merrylande is a bigger deal, but someday……

BBBoo - sometimes I wonder about you…


Yeah, me too! Wish you’d known me before….

After a very encouraging potty morning, Roxy has been thru 3 pairs of unders in the last hour or so. To be fair, she does go running to the bathroom, but she waited till the last minute and didn’t get her pants down in time. Tomorrow, I’ll do a better cleaning of the floor in there, but for now, I’m down to her last clean pair, then back into pullups. Not a good sign the day before school starts…

Here you go, moooom, this is what got me thinking about Nevada Barr’s vivid fictional wildfires and wilderness areas to avoid:

Sounds just like the areas Barr likes to place her mysteries in. I’ve always wanted to do a grand land tour of the US visiting the parks she writes about. Wanna come? First we buy a big RV and hire swampy and shoe as drivers and chefs and sloth coaches. Kitties and puppies that travel well can come along too. You’d be great at logistics, I could handle the book reports. What other Mumpers wanna come?

Howdy from shoe world. Meh, blurf, etc.

Overlyboy and overlygirl got into a near knock-down-drag-out fight last night about who was more tired: overlyboy from cross country or overlygirl from swim. Unfortunately for both of them, I win the most tired award.

Anyway, I’m sitting here about to hop on my (hopefully) last meeting of the day, debating between whether I should drink more coffee or do the healthy thing and take a run. So far the coffee sounds better. But revenge runs sure are sweet - after they’re done. Maybe I’ll run and have coffee after so I can have my coffee and drink it, too. God, I’m boring.

Evening all.

Been reading but not contributing- the last few days have been busy… I’ve almost had a social life. Very odd.

The car also had a busy day socalising- it had to go for ye annual MOT (safety test) today, which it surprisingly passed- I say surprising, because you get both ‘Fail- fix it NOW’ stuff and ‘Ehh, that needs fixing soon’ stuff. I had a few things in the latter category last year, but had utterly failed to take it to be fixed due to my chaotic nature plus general chaos, and during one of the moves had lost the form that said what needed doing. I told the garage this today, they looked it up on the system (it’s all joined up, despite being a different garage) and it had apparently either got better or wasn’t wrong in the first place- or in one case was completely irrelevant and just a minor inconvenience and not a safety issue at all. I’m not complaining, and- as it’s also payday- let the local good curry place make dinner. Didn’t pick the best combo, but all the bits individually were nice.

I still haven’t got anywhere sorted to move to BTW. It’s getting a bit close now… Some day I will have a house move that is not last minute madness, but not this day.

Hurricane Roxy is heading south. Quiet reigns. I’m beat…