Whatever happened to...(insert actor here)?

Oo! Matthew Laborteaux, that’s a good one. I remember he made a few really bad B-type movies like “My Deadly Friend”. After Little House, he was on a series called Whiz Kids and was pretty much last seen on the small screen in a made for TV movie called The Last to Go. He and his brother founded the Youth Rescue Fund to assist runaways.

His brother, Patrick Labyorteaux, (different spelling, but they ARE brothers) who also had a part on Little House (as Andy Garvey) as as been faring much better. He’s had a slew of bit parts (he was one of the doomed jocks in the movie Heathers) and went on to the roll of sidekick on JAG

Jason Bateman (the brother of Family Ties Justine Bateman, IIRC) went on from Little House to play Ricky…er. RICK Schroeder’s best buddy on Silver Spoons, then got his own series about a kid who was at odds with his step-father called It’s Your Move(I saw a few episodes – it wasn’t great, but not horrible). He did a few TV-movies and Teen Wolf Too. I saw one episode of a shoddy TV series about three brohters sharing an apartment in Chicago. More recently they tried out a new series a la “Odd Couple” called Some of My Best Friends in which he was a young gay name who sahred an apartment with a macho-but-loveable, doofus who didn’t realize his new housemate was gay. Didn’t last long either (I saw the pilot episode – pretty bad). The IMDB says he has a few movies coming out this year.

Well, between that and abidude’s post I now officially feel like crap. :frowning:

It will go nicely with how my life’s been going.

Jason Bateman also had a part in The Sweetest Thing, a relatively recent Cameron Diaz movie.