Whatever you did, thank you!

Halleluia! For the first time in two weeks, I’m able to access the boards in daylight! I don’t know what, if anything, was done, but it sure seems to have helped big-time! Thank you, whoever was responsible, and keep up the good work.

I couldn’t agree more. I think I may know what exactly happened though. I think it may have been the goat I sacrificed. That’s okay, you can thank me later.

To date the only thing that has been done is to move the TSD web sites to their own T-1. That was done on Friday afternoon, June 2nd, so everyone should now be taking a completely different route through the internet to get to the web sites. When the OP was initially posted we actually had done nothing to change the situation. That just leads me to believe that SOME of the problem people have been having with slow access times, these 15 to 20 minute waits or even these infinite waits, have been routing related issues which we have almost zero control over.

Like I said before, we’ll do what we can on our end but once internet traffic gets off the web site servers and out to our ISP that’s the end of the control we have over your SDMB experience. Are we trying to speed up the web servers to handle more usage? Yes. Will this work? We’ll have to see once all the changes have been instituted.



Jerry, since the one major problem I had last week, the board has been working great. The switch you are talking about must have helped my situation, at least. Thanks!


I don’t know whether it’s transient internet conditions, but today (Monday 6/5) I had no problems accessing the board, while last week I timed out damn near every time. I just hope it stays like this.


Sorry to piss on the parade. At the moment the board seems to just fine. But an hour ago, from 2PM-4PM CDT I was having 3-4 minute page load times. I’m sure the T1 upgrade will help at high usuage periods when the routers are working fine, but it seems the router problems are still persisting even at the new IP#. I’d consider rattling a few cages at the ISP if you have the time. Since I tend to get the problem whenever its present, I’ll give a little info, no idea if it’ll mean anything to you, but here gos.

I reside in Plainfield IL, a SW suburb of Chicago. My ISP is AT&T (formerly Mediaone) via Cable modem w/ a static IP#. I could provide any tracer results if you’d like, should you be interested in doing a little investigative work. I include this info because considering my close proximity to the Readers offices, I presume I have a relativly short and simple route to the server. Do whatever you wish with this info, I’d be happy to help in anyway I can.

Well, someone, somewhere, must have done something, even it was just the unnamed administrator of some unknown router somewhere in the path. Even if the person responsible is never going to read this, I gotta thank someone. I’m just glad that I can get my “fix” again now :slight_smile: