What's a "sloe gin fizz"?

Given that I’ve seen many a bar, and many a drink in my few seven years of being able to, I’m confused by one Loretta Lynn lyric.

What’s a “sloe gin fizz”?

And why are they drinking it by the pitcher (besides the obvious)? Is this nothing more than gin and some seltzer water in a pitcher?

A great song, if you haven’t heard it yet. Uh huuuhhhhh . . .

Sloe Gin Fizz:
1 oz. sloe gin
1 oz. gin
3/4 oz. lemon juice
1 oz. simple syrup
3-4 oz. soda water

Delicious! :smiley:

Sloe gin fizz is made with sloe gin.

As a variation, include Southern Comfort and orange juice. Then you’ll have a sloe comfortable screw.

Float Galliano on top of that and you have a Sloe Comfortable Screw Up Against the Wall.

Holy sh*t, by the pitcher? Wow. Now I’m tempted to try it!! :smiley:

With something at least “half-hard-proof”, yer damned straight I’d ‘lose my mind in Oregon’.

Or you could pour it over ice and have a Sloe Comfortable Screw on the Rocks.

Hey, what do you add to make something “on the Beach” (as in “Sex on the Beach”)?


You drink a few of this sweet concoction.

It goes down like koolaid.

Then just try to stand up.

Add a float of Galliano and you have a Sloe Comfortable Screw Up Against The Wall.

As a former bartender, I hate when people order these things. Real alcoholics drink their pleasure over the rocks, or neat with a water back. Dilettantes drink cocktails or liquor with juice. And frat boy/little sister has-beens/wanna bes/is nows drink all these flaky mixed drinks with long names and obscene contents. You want a Zombie? Give me a break! Last think I need is to scrape your alcohol-poisoned arse off the floor and take you into the ER. :rolleyes:

And, if you come into my bar, and order an “extra-dry vodka martini”, I’m gonna pour you a shot. It ain’t a frickin’ martini, damnit. :smiley:


It’s also in Aerosmith’s Rag Doll, which drove me to ask my bartender this very same question a year or two ago.

Hm. I always thought it was ginger ale and sloe gin. Thought wrong, apparently.

As Mary Prankster opined in Mata Hari Why’d they call it Sloe Gin when it works so damned fast? :wink:

Well, given I have a definitive answer to Loretta Lynn’s pitcher, I would have to ask: Is it possible to order a sloe gin and tonic? Or, is sloe gin something typically found in the South?

I’ll be honest, when I first heard the song yesterday, I thought it was “slow” gin, kinda like they make “slow aged” scotch.

But, I stand corrected. On the front of gin and country music. . .

But gin and music? They go hand-in-hand.

I will add that I remember gathering sloes on chilly winter walks, and taking them to my gran who would use them to make delicious sloe gin.

Hmm I might have to make some myself - I’d forgotten about it until this thread :slight_smile:

[Sammy Kershaw]
We sat there talkin’ by the lobster tank
I ordered her a sloe gin fizz.
And when them chicken-fried steaks arrived
She said “I like livin’ like this.”

So I made her the queen of my doublewide trailer
With the polyester curtains and the redwood deck.
Now she’s run off, and I got to trail 'er
Dang her black heart, and her pretty red neck.
[/Sammy Kershaw]