A close friend of mine had often referred to himself as a bohunk/mick/injun, meaning his family tree was mainly Bohemian, with Irish and Native American branches. Not long ago, though, one of his relatives did some research. She says his family was Swiss, not Bohemian. My pal is baffled. He knows of no mildly rude name for Swiss, to call himself. Can you help?
Sorry, can’t alp you.
How about “newt,” short for “neutral?”
Junior Frenchman?
European Canadian?
That site might help. Just type in “swiss derogatory” and wade through all the slurs it brings up. I clicked on a dozen or so but found nothing much except that bohunk is still allowable since it refers to Central Europeans as a whole and you can’t get more central than Switzerland.
Cheesehole. Gotta be cheesehole.
There was a fellow from Bern with rather poor batting skills on our softball team.
We called him . . .
The Swiss Miss.
Swissy McSwiss-swiss
I second Cheesehole. It just sounds… gross.
here are plenty of rude words in swiss=)
The alternative dictionary aruvqan linked to had a lot of rude words in Swiss-German, and it was entertaining. However, what I want is a word for a Swiss person (or Swiss-American person) that would get his dander up a little. Otto & bughunter have voted for Cheesehole, and that does sound promising. I don’t think we’re finished, though.
If a non-US guy wanted to razz me, a yank, and irritate me but not get into a fight, he might call me a septic (septic tank, rhymes with yank) or a colonial (referring to our long-ago status as mere farmers for the Crown.) That’s the sort of word or phrase I’m looking for, on behalf of my friend, who wants to kid himself about being the spawn of the Swiss. Frankly, I don’t think he’s gonna fix on Swiss Miss. It doesn’t have to be in English, by the way. We’ll accept razzing from the Italians or the Monacans, too. Ironically, my buddy has an artificial heart valve, so puns on watch=ticker might be promising. The valve makes an audible tick on every beat.
Yoddle Princess?
Alp Ape?
Swiss Piss?
Multi-tooled Ass Muncher?
Snow Sniffer?
Yeti Lover?
Neutral Nancy?
Neutral Nin-come-poop(sp?!)?
Am I getting any closer?
Alpine Asshole?
Nazi Collaborator?
Cuckoo perhaps?
Cuckoo clock fucker.
Wristwatch wanker.
Toberone sucker.
I like yeti=)
Hm, work chocolate in there somewhere - every time my german buddy goes to swizerland on business he wanders home with several kilos of chocolate [I have *no* idea where he packs it away, he has a snack cupboard that must have a million calories in chocolate, nuts and other forms of candy…when I was there visiting I swear he emptied half of it over the course of 3 weeks…all by himself. *whinge* I want to eat junk and not gain weight!!!]]
Amish doesnt work, they are from the paltz region of germany…[mom’s maternal side of the family=)]
I know yodeling is done in swizerland [and in some parts of bavaria… but it is typically thought of as swiss] Swiss are also known for alpenhorns, bells, ricola cough drops [=)] heidi, goats…
Goat-sucking yeti? … hm, too close to chupacabra=\
alp ape is sort of cute=)
Hm, goat sucking alp ape?
mrAru just suggested goat sucking banker boi
now that has promise=)
Mountain Jew
Cheese Balls
(These from an ancient article in the National Lampoon.)
Try “Teut”, as in Teutonic. It’s more along the lines of bohunk and not obviously profane.