What's Left of Eve Crawls Back to Work . . .

You will not get a more sympathetic ear for mysterious skin ailments than me, my dear! Last year in about May, my eyes started to feel a little itchy one evening. By morning, I couldn’t open them. Then the skin turned all crusty and oozy, and I looked about ninety years old for a few days. (very weird) After about a week, it cleared up as quickly as it came.

Currently, my right hand and forearm are all blistery. It’s like a solid line starting at my mid forearm, all the way to my fingertips. It looks as if I’ve dipped my arm into a vat of nasty chemicals and it resulted in some kind of burn (for the record, I have done no such dipping in noxious chemicals). Today I bent my fingers and the knuckles (plural!) split right open a few milimetres deep. I’m surprised I can’t see any bones in there. Left hand - totally fine.

And I don’t even want to start on the day that my skin peeled off of my throat in a big sheet, leaving raw flesh and a truly bizarre pattern of scars…:eek:

And after a battery of tests, the official diagnosis seems to be “well, I’m just not sure”

Seriously, though, you have all of my sympathy, Eve!

Sorry to hear about your discomfort. You may already do this, but if you don’t, have you tried large doses (1,000 - 2,000) mg once a day of vitamin C? My dad has had wacky allergy-like skin problems, some of them really serious and very uncomfortable, on and off for most of his adult life. I spoke with him tonight and he told me how a daily dose of 1,000 mg vitamin C has honestly cleared up two separate afflictions that stumped several top-drawer dermatologists. I’m not a doctor, obviously, but vitamin C has also helped keep my intermittent but nasty adult acne under control. Anyhow, I hope you feel better soon!

Just to add to the list of snake oil remedies, how about some zinc supplements or ointment? According to this site, zinc is required for healthy skin and body. Interestingly enough, high concentrations of zinc are found in semen. Perhaps those porn stars are onto something.

Another ‘hey try this’…

I have heard that people have gotten rid of mysterious rashes by bathing in the ocean – the salt water helps. If you aren’t near the ocean, you might try a salty face wash.

I know it sounds stupid, but I just read it the other day, this guy bathed in sea water and his mysterious rash went away.

Some of these rashes I’m reading about in this thread sound like shingles… I’m guessing the dr.s you saw were on top of things enough to check for that.

For those who tell you that you look bad, rub your hand across your face, and then theirs. Say, ‘yes, I know… and it’s contagious… what was that word the doctor used…? luh… leep… oh yeh, leprosy.’

I don’t have any advice to offer on dermatology or telephone service. I do have a leprosy haiku but I’ve already met today’s quota of “humor in incredibly poor taste” on another thread so I’ll save it. Which means all I can do is say welcome back.

Thanks, all! I can always count on the Teeming Millions for sympathy, wisecracks and harebrained advice. The rash actually looks a tiny bit better today, though it seems to itch even more.

Miss Gretchen—Eeeeew. Just, “eeewww.” You poor thing!

Creaky & Feathelou—The antibiotics I was on said not to take vitamins while I was on them. Well, the instructions said, of course, the pills didn’t talk, or anything

Bwk—Did this fella live near Lourdes? The town, I mean, not Madonna’s daughter.

hee hee… no, neither of them.

Just a regular Florida beach.

Maybe your itchiness is a sign of healing.

Oh yes, Eve, you missed the part where I looked at myself on Friday the 29th to find myself covered in red blotches which somehow ended up being chickenpox. I stayed home for a week and slept all day every day, but I had to go back to work on Monday also, because I have to work my way up to getting actual paid sick leave. Happily, I haven’t yet got the “Oh my God you look AWFUL!” spiel, but I keep seeing myself in the mirror and getting scared with how ugly I look!

I hope you find something that helps! (IANAD, but have you asked the doctor about calamine lotion? Could that possibly help?)

Judging by the response from the Pimple Thread, I suspect that there are quite a few Dopers who would greatly appreciate if you started on that topic… hint hint.