What's noteworthy about your day in the MMP?

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to heave.

VBC must be related to my late cat Lucrezia D. Hellcatt.

Good morning. It’s too early. Nothing noteworthy going on in my neck of the woods. Although, I did stretch before getting out of bed, and popped something in my right hip. Now, it hurts, and I’m somewhat limpy. Good grief.

Not much is happening here, today. I just have a couple loads of laundry to do, and some vacuuming. Dinner will probably be Chili Dogs. I’ve been craving a stupid chili dog, for some reason. Topped with cheese, onions, and mustard. We’ll see how that works out.

It’s at least supposed to be decent day, with no rain. High of 88*. The sun is even supposed to shine! We’ll see how that works out, too.

ooooo - good thought. We need something really believable - maybe involving nuns and orphans and baby chipmunks? I’m not fully caffeinated, so my brain isn’t working - help!

nona - this getting old crap ain’t for wusses! Even reaching to a high shelf has the potential for pulling something, I’ve found. And we won’t discuss the effect stairs have on knees… :flushed: :dizzy_face: :scream:

FCD is having his pre-surgical blood draw today since we’re within 30 days of a new knee. Then he’s got to meet with the individual who’s making his life on the F/A-18 project a hell on earth - if he beats the crap out of him, we might need another alibi! While he’s out and about, I’m going to run to Food Lion for a few things.

My dirty job for the day is to start cutting/breaking/stacking the branches I gathered and dumped by the wood rack. As long as I remember to bug-spray myself, it shouldn’t be too terrible… theoretically… Of course, it involves bending and lifting and such, so the potential for aches and pains is real. See statement above about getting old…

I ordered a recumbent exercise bike for FCD - it’s the only exercise equipment he likes, and it should be good for pre-surgical strengthening and post-surgery therapy, since it’s no-impact. I’ll set it up by my treadmill, and we can sweat it out together.

And so, I wish you all a Happy Wednesday! MWAH!!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 71 Amurrkin and clear with a predicted high of 92 and mostly N.O.S. for the day. The big items on today’s agenda are to procure comestibles and I must needs attend to some church janitor Junior Warden duties. Mowage needs to ensue but I believe that will be on tomorrow’s agenda. Sup shall be country fried steak ‘n gravy, smashed N.O.T., peas, butterbeans ‘n okra cooked together, squishes, and corn bread. Got a gnawin’ and a cravin’ for some down home eatin’.

Unknown happy Dopiversary!

Quietly glad you had a good trip to Vegas.

Nellie don’t know if you’ll see this, but hope the trip to Chi Town was uneventful and that you’re havin’ a good time with sis and sundry relatives.

ace enjoy the post chili dawg fartfest.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, alas, alack, and bother of all bothers, I suppose I must purtify and don appropriate bein’ about the public attire. Life is just so hard!

Happy Hump Day Y’all!

Morning all. Have had two days of responsible adulting, so planning on sloth, puzzle-solving and long hot baths for today. However, I have agreed to be “Coordinator” for a couple soccer groups, which means finding (begging for) coaches and organizing teams, for 56 6-year olds and 28 4-year olds…oh joy. A lot of it now is just paperwork and making spreadsheets to (hopefully) make the job easier. But at least I’ll feel like a responsible adult…

74F heading for 85F with heavy Thunder-Boomers predicted for the afternoon. Hope it drys up enough by the weekend so I can do mowage before leaving for my mini-vacation.

All y’all take care.

The only noteworthy thing today is that both my subject matter experts are out for the rest of the week and, wouldn’t you know it?, there is now a huge escalation. Oh, well - I guess it’s good that I’m a little lost without them. That means that they’re doing their jobs and I’m not micromanaging. But I do feel a bit like a chicken with my head cut off, so I’m tryin’ to play it cool and not barf.

Anyway, it’s sunny and hot and delightful today. I’m hoping we’ll get to the pool at some point this evening. I’m super hungry. Been trying to watch what goes into my mouth after vacation and it’s incredible to me how much volume in vegetables is required to be full.

I wish I could just sit by the pool and listen to podcasts today. I’m a huge true crime junkie and have fallen in love with And That’s Why We Drink. It’d be nice if the world would stop for my recreation, right?

Survived an afternoon/evening with the parentals. They brought me random stuff from Costco, we went out for dinner, then walked along a pier to a lighthouse out by the Big Lake.

Helped me fix my bed, too, where the support slats had fallen. It was not a one-person job, so I’m grateful for their help on that fix.

Off to work in a few. All y’all have an excellent day now, ya hear?

Forgot to note earlier - Happy Bastille Day!! :fr:

Back from erranding, including a stop at a small Amish stand for corn, 'maters, and a cantaloupe. Supper will be corn and salad. Groceries are all stowed. Not sure what I’ll do now… But I’m retired, so who cares?? :rofl:

Afternoon, mumpers! I have read but not retained, my brain is officially fried after all the work disasters that I’ve had to deal with. I really don’t have much left in the tank now, so hopefully the worst of it is over for a while.

The EU is celebrating Bastille Day by announcing plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at 55% by 2030. I’m sure that’s what the French really had in mind all those years ago :slight_smile:

Happy Camel Day, everyone, I am off to have a brief rest before I look at my inboxes again, there’s bound to be something else unpleasant in there that I don’t want to look at.

Afternoon all.

I have read, but brain is full of irk chaos, of which there has been plenty today, so nothing else wants to stay in there. Moanday was brain-dripping-out-of-ears level quiet, yesterday was a bit busier, today was cat herding while juggling.

I think I shall go out for a bit to explore the area- though I lived in this city for nearly 10 years, I never spent much time this side of the river, and I don’t know it at all.

Was in Smalls all shift. Tired, gonn nap now.

Happy Hump Day!

It’s a cloudy, and humid, 86 degrees outside.

No dog park today. My son got off irk when he is supposed to instead of early. There wasn’t enough time to go to the park, get cleaned up, and take my truck to the shop.
Truck is in the shop. I followed the neighbor there and we took 70 instead of the back roads.
Ugh, I hate 70. People are flippin’ crazy out there.
I’ll be without a vehicle for 3-4 days.
Part of me feels trapped already, the other part says, I can lounge around the house in a muumuu for 3-4 days!

Neighbor changed his mind about moving. So that is good news.

I don’t know what I’m going to do today.
So much that needs to be done. I’m still going room to room gathering for the Purple Heart.

No reason one alibi won’t work for the both of them.

BBBoo - fortunately, no alibi was needed. He kept his cool and got home without bloodshed! :rofl:

I haven’t accomplished a thing since unpacking groceries. Apart from doing a couple of jigsaw puzzles on the 'puter, that is. Pretty unmotivated, I am. Maybe I’ll try to finish the afghan I started a few weeks back.

Out of curiosity, how long does it take to finish an afghan? I’ve been working on a blanket for a while but keep setting it aside after getting distracted by yarn I’d forgotten I had.

Good afternoon, all! At 1:35pm ET it is 89 degrees here in the D.C. suburbs – the forecasted high temp – with a decent chance of thunderstorms around dinnertime. My storm-hating dog is at daycare today (I’m at work, and the cleaners were/will be at the house), so I’ll make an effort to pick her up and get us back home before any weather starts.

Two co-workers are in the office with me today: earlier today I could hear them talking to each other, and I tell ya it was music to my ears. :slight_smile: I’ve missed having other people around.

That’s a good way to look at it!

We had a huge member that sent us high-priority data. A couple of years ago the person who sent the data left, the accounting person left, and both I and the Account Executive have been trying to find a new contact. It didn’t help that they have dozens of divisions. Anyway, we finally found a person who can generate a commercial accounts receivable file… only the format is completely different fro what we got before. I received a test file yesterday, and this morning I sent it to my contact at Big Credit Reporting Company. They can work with the new format (I no longer have time to modify my program and process it every month). So… Yay! :slight_smile:

And I got a receipt for our Adventure Sail on Lady Washington in August.

Goo might be getting a little sister Saturday.

Lovely news all around :tada::confetti_ball::champagne::clinking_glasses::clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3::champagne::clinking_glasses::confetti_ball::tada: We’ll need lots of Goo sister pics of course.

Welcome to Unknown.

I was rather disappointed to not have anything worthy of note for Monday, and Tuesday was crazy.

Wednesday’s crazier and I have had a noteworthy day.

Besides the record rain and flooding (so glad we live on a hill, but we might have to boil water if the water supply gets contaminated like it did in 2005), my line manager told us today that he got canned on Monday. Effective immediately. If we had been in the office, I think a bunch of us would have started drinking at lunch. At least before 5 o’clock. Being remote means we have to find drinking partners. Well, don’t have to, but it’s better to drink with others, right?

Anyway, enjoying the kitty stories and trying to think up alibis. Never know when one might be handy.

And if anyone knows how to ship large, I mean LARGE, quantities of water, I have a source, and I know some people in the U.S. would be interested.

Anywhere from a couple of days to a month or more. It depends on the size of the afghan, the size of the needles/hook and the yarn, and the complexity of the pattern, not to mention how much time you dedicate to it on a daily basis. How’s that for a non-specific answer? :wink:

Just got back from a run to the credit union. FCD’s check for last month’s work came in the mail and I wanted to get it deposited. Now I have to figure out how much to send to the Feds and the state for estimated taxes, and the rest will go to VISA or checking. We’ll never be gazillionaires at this rate!! Stoopit taxes… Better get at it.