What's noteworthy about your day in the MMP?

Thank you kindly, good sir.

Nah. We (well, I) put on the happy face here, but it’s not necessarily relentlessly happy. Over in the Pit is where we (well, I) really unleash.

Speaking of, I need to wander over there to b!$%h about my lovely mother. Again.

Our beloved Loki was a German Shepard / Wolf hybrid and a total sweetheart.
I feel like whoever wrote that piece was maybe exaggerating a bit.

bacon’s done.


Morning all, and a special welcome to Unknown! Happy Birthday!

Akiko spent some time huddled up next to me this morning. I believe that I have mentioned her suitor, the Rottweiler next door. They sniff noses through the fence and try very hard to reach one another. Akiko regularly has a scratched up nose, because she jams it into rocks trying to get over there. I’ve given up trying to stop it. This morning she was rough housing with Yoshi and he accidentally caught her nose. She ended up with a nose bleed and she growled at him. She was convinced that he had damaged her nose. Silly dog. Poor Yoshi had no idea why she was mad. Thus endeth today’s story.

The last several days have been terrible, body-wise. Today is starting out decently, knock-on-wood. I am hopeful that I might actually cook dinner tonight. :smiley:

On a related note, the pressure dome seems to be easing and the heat is coming down. We’re almost back to seasonal norms. Woot!

Happy Toesday everyone!

My parents are on their way. If I don’t post again for a while, check the prison & the morgue.

Afternoon all. Just spent 90 minutes in the Drs. Office regarding my prescriptions…they checked my BP (still high) and took a blood sample for the thyroid to decide if they are going to adjust my medications. Hopefully they’ll decide before I leave on my short trip next Tuesday.

One wunnerful thing; as I parked in the lot, there was a guy walking a real tiny puppy…and the puppy appeared to be tired of walking, since he was lying down in the grass and refused to move. Of course he came over to me for scritches and nibbles (owner said he was 7 weeks old), so that made the long wait worth it.

Sunny, been missing my Akiko and Yoshi stories. Will Akiko ever satisfy her longing?? And hope you do well.

I think Dave Barry (the comedic columnist) had his readers pick the worst song of all time and that one either won or was in the running…(just looked it up and McArthur Park was judged the worst of all time).

Flyboy, congrats on wearing trousers to work…maybe tomorrow you can progress from there and wear a shirt…

Sari, sorry to hear about cousin’s wife and all the little harrassments life is dealing you. Hopefully it will be better soon.

OK, onward into the afternoon.

I thought ‘Having My Baby’ was the worst? And let’s not forget ‘Honey, I Miss You’.
Although I wish I could. Don’t know how that suddenly popped into my head.

Little harassments are so annoying. One isn’t too bad, but it seems like everything is a problem anymore. Companies don’t seem to care about customer service.

I just finished wrapping the White Elephants. Of course, the problem with the game is that while I get rid of our crap, I’ll end up with someone else’s crap! That’s why there are thrift stores. :wink:

I also built a cuke-onion salad. Supper will be chickie tits, small red N.O.T.s, green beans, and the cuke salad. I can chill for about an hour till I have to start assembling everything for the oven.

I played in my studio for a bit, but I mostly messed up what I did yesterday, so I smooshed it all together and tried something else. I need to let it sit longer - it was all too soft today. I’m going to read now till I have to return to the kitchen.

There was once a brief meeting. They spent weeks trying to get under the fence, and we spent weeks plugging gaps with lumber, rocks and cement. Then, the blessed day arrived. She made it under the fence and they had at least 10 minutes romping around before my kids looked over the fence and found her. I called her back and we plugged that hole too. I’d set up play dates, but pandemic. Someday…

Moommm I once “won” a set of expired technical manuals, so I think you’re being quite generous. :stuck_out_tongue:

Do they still make the show Cops? If they do, I’ll keep an eye out.

I just gave a presentation to the muckety mucks and was given about 10 minutes’ warning. I nearly barfed. So glad I didn’t eat much today.I had too much coffee so was gesturing wildly enough I was glad not to be on camera.

I was reminded of this in the TV Shows Only You Remember thread.

Sri Maharooni Speaks In

Because you only have a small time left. There’s no time to go to the bars! There’s no time to go to the parties. No time for these things! You have no time to waste. You must immediately find out who you are, what you’re doing here, where you are going… That is, if you are… if you are so inclined. You may not be interested. You may not even care who you are. You may imagine that you are someone that you are not, and may believe it! In that case, blessings to you; and may you come back many times again.


89 Amurrikin here now. The AC kept things in our trailer fairly cold until about 11:30, when we bounced and headed to town. A trip to Mickey D’s, and now we’re hanging out at the library until they close down, which will be at 8.

My best friend/former girlfriend Alex convinced me to finally give the Lord of the Rings film trilogy a try. She even bet me that I’d like them. If I like them, I’ve gotta buy her dinner at her favorite place; if I don’t, she buys me dinner at my favorite place. Keeping in mind we’re both fairly broke and are therefore on a budget.

I’ve actually found them kind of a mixed bag. I know, take away my nerd cred, but I watched Two Towers about a week ago and was put off by just how violent it was. The only reason it got a PG-13 rating, probably, is because the heads being chopped off belonged to orcs and not humans.

So we’re each paying for our own meals, but I’ll still let her choose the place to eat.

In the meantime, I’ve checked out Fellowship of the Ring, the novel, from the library.

For some reason, I have felt near-exhausted all day. I’m not aware of sleeping poorly last night, and I fell asleep at a decent time, so I have no idea what’s going on. I know it isn’t my blood sugar, because I checked that this morning via bloodletting finger stick…after ripping the FreeStyle sensor out of my left arm while removing the t-shirt I slept in. {sigh} I had just put that sensor on Sunday afternoon, and it was supposed to last two weeks. I can’t get another from the pharmacy until this weekend, which means finger sticks for the rest of the week :cry:. Anyway, it’s just one of those “meh” days.

I’ve been allllll byyyyy myyyysellllllllf in the office today. I miss my dog, but am enjoying the change of scenery. And this week I got smart(er) and went to a nearby grocery store at lunchtime, and got lunch provisions for the next couple of days. All three fridges in the kitchen are completely empty, so why not! Tomorrow, two of my co-workers will also be here – including one who I haven’t met yet, because she was hired at the end of last year. We’re both part of the leadership team and have been in many video meetings together, and I’m looking forward to finally meeting her in person.

To keep the baseball talk going, I’m planning to go to a Yankee game (in NYC) in September. Despite being raised mostly near Baltimore, I am a lifelong Yankees fan: both sides of my family are from North Jersey, my mom was a Yankees fan, and the uncle who taught me about baseball is a Yankees fan (my dad isn’t a sports person). Said uncle is only 12 years older than me, and has been more like a big brother over the years. He lives in NYC and offered to get tix to the 9/19 day game: I’ll be in the city that weekend to celebrate my 50th birthday, which is a few days after the game. I’m pretty psyched, especially since I haven’t made it to Nats game yet this season (and am unlikely to). :baseball:

Afternoon, all. I just got back from a couple of days in Las Vegas, ripping off the bandage. Vegas was always A Special Place for the wife and I. We got married there, in fact. This was the first trip without her. One of her best friends came along so we could both deal with memories. Surprisingly, we only teared up once, at Parasol Down, when we ordered Dee’s favorite cocktail and toasted her memory. Even got the cocktail waitress bawling.

Ate well (Cipriani, Bouchon, Brera Osteria), drank lots and I even came home with more money than I arrived with, thanks to four sixes. The cats were happy? to see me return. Miffed would be a better term. They didn’t like the fact that I locked the sun room while I was gone and set the thermostat at a temperature they thought oppressive (78F). At least they didn’t crap in my shoes for revenge.

Supper was disappointing. I’d gotten some ranch flavored pseudo shake-n-bake stuff that I used on the chickie strips and the little red spuds. It was almost flavorless! So to make up for that, we’ll go to DQ later today. Because.


Howdy Y’all! I endured, managed, and survived a trip to the laundromat. I cannot remember the last time I was even in a laundromat before today. Late 80s, possibly. I had it all to myself for the almost two hours I was there, so there’s that. We had some quality cee-mint pond time and made and et sup. Thus has been my day.

sari sorry about your cousin’s wife.

Congrats for your escape seanette!

Bon voyage nellie!

Welcome back flipper.

wheelie, your baseball trip sounds like fun.

I’m sorry for your loss sari.

Nelson and I met a new neighbor dog today. She’s a young boxer named Faith. Of course, he had to bark his fool head off to show off how mighty he is. :stuck_out_tongue:

I just heard on TV that Pekka Rinne is retiring. Although I wish him a happy retirement, I’ll miss him.

Irked, came home, swept and steam mopped the floors and et. After KP, it’s kicking back in the studio and tuning into NCIS.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

Bacon cheeseburger for dinner with adg;oidsfhjnbggblg
and Alex Catt just missed my lap and put out the claws. I need a tourniquet, please.


Well if that person was like cobra guy, those dogs weren’t socialized like Loli. was. :frowning:


So Romeo and Julliet without the body count. :dog: :heartbeat: :dog:

Me too. We like our Finns here in Carolina.

Glad the Vegas trip went well, Quietly. and ((((hugs))))

We’ve had some serious thunder here this evening. Lost power for about 15 minutes. The last strike was 10 seconds away, yet still shook the house.

Thank you all for the nice welcome!

It rained today which was so noteworthy that I opened my journal early just so I could note how long it lasted. It got so cold that I was thinking about digging around to find a jacket, but then I thought that being cold outside was fun enough to not bother.

Today VBC got tired of George so ran out to the catio for a break. George really wanted to know what was out there, so I opened the people door so we both could go out. VBC ran over and slapped George, then bit me on the leg.

George doesn’t really need to go into the catio, he’s never been “outside” before, no reason to encourage him to go out there now.

@swampbear about 10 years ago our washing machine loudly spun the spinning thing off the spinner thing while I was doing our weekly wash and I had to take everything to the laundromat. My suffering wasn’t as intense as yours because I could bring the wet stuff home and use our dryer, but it still wasn’t fun.

So, do we all have our story ready to alibi @purplehorseshoe or should we come up with something more believable now?