What's noteworthy about your day in the MMP?

Just popping in, as this may be my last post for a few days (or not). I’ve been crossing items off the To Do list and adding them to the Ta-Dah list like crazy, so there’s that. Still packing and stuff.

Read all, but no time to respond. Tomorrow will be all travel–to the airport, to Chicago, to my sister’s house.

I’d tell you all to behave yourselves, but how dull that’d be…if you were even capable of doing so. :kissing_heart:

I like going to Durham Bulls games, and I’m not a baseball fan.

[Progressive old lady]I unfriend you[/Progressive old lady]

Sorry about the sis issue, Flyboy.

Oopsie, EEK! that would leave an impression.

Nettie, that’s retail in general these days. Glad I’m out.

Thank you. As a Dog/cat butler, I appreciate poop reports.

I live in a trailer attached to a larger house. One of our roommates, Steve, recently had one of his legs amputated. As a result, he has to set up a raised toilet seat and shower seat in the bathroom adjoining his room-- which contains the shower we’ve been using.

It is a pain getting in and out of the room, so I’d been putting off taking a shower-- long enough that I got a fungal infection on my right armpit. I went to Urgent Care today and they prescribed me some antifungal cream. (That’ll be 40 bucks, please.) My landlady says in the future, I’m free to use the master shower.

I feel personally attacked. :wink:
Safe travels.

Ek, glad your landlady helped. And welcome back stranger. :slight_smile:

When we were planning the trip, attendance policies for MLB and affiliated Minor Leagues were still very uncertain, so for this year we chose the independent Northwoods League of the upper Midwest, featuring mostly college players. The home teams, in order, will be the Bismarck (ND) Larks, Willmar (MN) Stingers, St. Cloud (MN) Rox, Mankato (MN) Moondogs, and Waterloo (IA) Bucks. In years past we’ve had a ton of fun in small-to-medium towns like these, so it should be a good road trip - and just to go anywhere right now will be quite welcome!

Still, I look forward to getting back to some Big League cities. Haven’t been to the new Rangers stadium, so that may be on tap for next year.

That’s one of my favorite parks! The old DAP sure had its charms too.

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to heave.

Today I got brave enough to post in a thread filled with relentlessly happy people. I’m not usually brave, so that’s slightly noteworthy.

The catio door is in the laundry room. One of our cats will escape the kitten by running through the kitty door. Kitten aka George is too small to push the rather heavy rubber door open and thinks VeryBadCat is magic or something. Yesterday he went looking for VBC behind the dryer. This morning he tried to chase/follow VBC and the door smacked him right in the face. Later I pushed the door open with my hand and George stuck his head out to sniff the air. VBC smacked him so hard his head clanked against the side of the door.

Welcome to our playground! I dub thee Unknown! :wink: Your kitteh story gave me an early morning giggle! So stay and play and share all the adventures of George and VBC!

In the spirit of pee posts, I will share this. I was apparently having a dream that I was emptying my bladder, and I awoke to find, thankfully, that I wasn’t, as I was still abed. But I lay there confused for a bit - in the dream, it was 5AM, but in reality, it was about 3:30… Once the fog lifted and I figured out reality, I managed to drag my carcass to the bathroom and tend to business, thankful that my unconscious prevented me from soaking the freshly changed sheets. Even if they hadn’t been freshly changed, I wouldn’t have wanted to soak them. Yoiks!!!

And a Roxy story, non-pee related: Yesterday, she and her mama went shopping. Roxy insisted on taking her camera and her backpack. In her backpack, she stowed some blocks and a forklift. Thus ends your peek into the mind of the toddler. :rofl: And I didn’t know she had a camera - it’s pink! My daughter is a photographer of sorts (mostly self-taught) and I guess she’s sharing her hobby with her daughter. How adorable is that???

Second thing today (first being this) I’ll don grubbies and go outside to rake up the weeds and such that I yanked up on Saturday. I meant to do it yesterday, but forgot. That means I have to dump all the wood I collected out of the cart because there’s too much miscellanea for me to move by hand. There are also a few more branches that didn’t fit in the wood load, so they’ll get hauled also. I’d cut up the wood, but FCD hasn’t replace the chain in my little electric chainsaw, and I ain’t using a hand saw. Some of the branches are small enough that I can use my loppers, but some definitely need sawing. Another chore for another day. And once that sweaty, dirty task is done, I can shower and dress and vacuum up all the cat leavin’s that are all over the carpets.

If my clay from yesterday has dried enough, I can put feet on the dishes in progress. And if not, I may reconstitute more dried-out clay. Either way, I’ll play dirty for a while.

Happy Tuesday!!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN I was a slugabed until almost seven-thirty! :sleeping_bed: 'Tis 71 Amurrkin out and N.O.S. with a predicted high of 91 and mostly N.O.S. for the day with no rain predicted. We shall see. As I post, sheets are in the washer. When they get done they shall be hauled to the laundromat to get dried. I shall also take the miscellaneous colored stuff and wash and dry them there. I figure that’s just easier. Other than that, I foresee sloth and quality cee-mint pond time. Sup shall be grilled chikin strips on top of a big sallit along with cheesey garlic bread.

Flipper Welcome back! Your armpit fungus story is givin’ Boo a run for most TMI post of the week.

Unknown welcome. Do come back. We like all kinds of critter stories.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then I suppose I should make myself look presentable for the laundromat. I suppose that is on a par with bein’ presentable enough for Wally*World.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

Morning all. Need to stop by the Drs. Office, I have 1 week of prescriptions left and will be traveling when they run out, so I sent in a request for a refill last week via their website and got nothing back, so will try the personal touch. Also need to do some soccer stuff. Otherwise it’s wait and see if the 50% chance of tunder-boomers lands heads or tails.

Unknown, welcome. Pull up a chair and sit awhile. Cat stories are always welcome.

Wheelie, y’all ever make it down this way to see the Alabama Trash Pandas, let me know. Brand spanking new park.

OK, need to seek nourishment and do constructive things. All y’all take care.

Happy Toosday!

It’s a very muggy 74 degrees outside.

Took the dogs to daycare today since they won’t be able to go tomorrow.
Echo didn’t want to go out the gate. Yesterday some kids were riding their bikes up and down the alley. The big bad noisy bikes were scary enough, but one of them fell off and started screaming. That was more than Echo could handle.
She is such a wuss for being such a bad ass.

My son’s job is getting on my nerves.
He had Sunday off for lack of irk, he has to irk Firday as a make up day. Then he has to irk overtime Moonday because they are behind.
This was supposed to be his 7 days off and I had plans for him.

My cousin’s wife died yesterday, she was a very nice person and I liked her a lot. They live in CA, so I haven’t seen her in years. Very kind, very into her charitable irk.

I think I need to go to the top of this thread and reread as I seem to have missed a bunch of stuff.
Probably because I was so grumpy yesterday, I was only half reading.

Pee dreams are so weird. I had a dream I was peeing in a friend’s dog’s toybox (friend doesn’t have a dog toybox, and her dog just died). In the dream I asked myself why I was peeing in the dog’s toybox, and then I said because I have always peed in the dog’s toybox. Then I said wth is wrong with you, you shouldn’t be peeing in the toybox.
Then I woke up.
I have never peed in a toybox in my life.
Even weirder, I didn’t have to pee.

Today I have to deal with AT&T again.
And the refinance company is getting on my nerves. They called me last week (Wednesday) wanting to know where the appraisal is. I said what appraisal? I mean I know I have to have an appraisal, maybe, because they said maybe I won’t have to have one. Anyway, that is on them to order it, so why are they asking me for it? They said they would get right on it and have the appraisal person set it up and call me. I haven’t heard a thing. In the mean time they have changed the title and changed my home owners’ insurance to add my son’s name. I asked him what if my house doesn’t appraise for the amount needed and he said they will just rework the numbers.
Okay, whatever. But it seems to me you are going about this in the wrong order. I would think you would get everything lined up and ready to go before you start changing titles and insurance policies.
Of course, now that I am in the middle of refinancing, I’ve found two houses that I am interested in.

I need to get up and get busy around here. Always something to do.
While the dogs are at daycare, I can run their bowls through the dishwasher. I’m still gathering stuff for the Purple Heart. Pain in the ass because I don’t have any place to put the bags to get them out of the way. I also have a big pile of boxes sitting in the middle of the living room. My neighbor asked me to save some boxes for him for when he moves but he has been really sick and hasn’t been able to come get them. I don’t want to put them on the back porch because of rain and critters.

One of life’s mysteries.
I had bird shit on my windshield. The rain didn’t wash it off, the wipers wouldn’t clean it off, the car wash didn’t take it off. HTF did I get birdshit on the inside of my windshield?

Got my outside work done, and I discovered there’s a LOT of downed branches in the wooded part of my yard. So I foresee more wood gathering after I cut up and stack what I’ve got already. Not many branches that are big around, but it’s all free and it will burn.

I have since showered and I’m dressed more or less like an adult. I need to push the vacuum around and empty the dishwasher. I’ll get downstairs eventually. I’ve had a sudden attack of the lazies…

I’m glad you figured out something with the landlady, ek; those fungal infections are no joke.

And welcome, Jane!

I am up and significantly more rested than yesterday; I guess going to sleep at a reasonable time and actually managing to stay asleep will do that to you. I already wish I were back on vacation. I’m sad we didn’t get to see more in Chattanooga, roaches be damned. It was pouring most of the time we were there, so it turned our 6-hour drive into a 9-hour drive. But there will be a next time. One thing we did that I absolutely loved was walk around Savannah, GA. Their squares are absolutely gorgeous and I want to spend at least a couple of days wandering around them.

Anyway, work silliness ensues. Like one of you posters earlier last month, we have a meeting late this evening to talk with our senior leadership about subjects such as, “Whyever could our employees be so burnt out?” and “Why do they keep saying they’re stressed or have too much work?” So that’ll be fun.

Second Blessed Day Off. I’m supposed to spend it hanging out with the parental units.
According to them, I was supposed to spend yesterday cleaning.

Naaaaahhh, I mostly sat on my a$$ reading and posting on the Dope, and the Book of Faces … did some cross stitch. Played with the cats. Did absolutely nothing productive. I was tired, my feet and back hurt, and I just didn’t wanna!

In the orifice today. I’m wearing trousers.

On your head? Across your shoulders? Tied around your waist? Can you be more specific??

I crack me up!

I’ve picked out our White Elephants for the family Christmas in July on Sunday. I had 4 Coca-Cola glasses - 3 were part of a set and then there’s one more. They were destined for the thrift store, but they’re going to someone…

The other gift is a set of Egglettes that someone gave us a few years back and they’ve been cluttering up my junk drawer. Along with them is a ceramic deviled egg tray that I made. So I just have to wrap them all.

And for some strange reason, Sirius XM as been playing In The Year 2525 a lot of late. Keep a happy thought, guys!

OK, off to forage for lunch.

And wolves!
And bears!
Oh my!(I’m starting to think I would have less wildlife around if I moved up to wiki’s old stomping grounds.)
Spent most of the shift stuffing pigs.

Unknown, VBC cetainly earned its name. And welocme, and feel free to stick around.

Sorry about your counsin’s wife, sari.

I authorize you to not do.

No home is complete without a deviled aig try.

George and VBC make for adorable cat tales~I enjoyed a cat mom smirk reading the first of what I hope is many.

And :tada::confetti_ball::champagne::clinking_glasses::birthday: happy cake day!! We’re glad you’re here!! :birthday::clinking_glasses::champagne::tada::confetti_ball:

And you guys think swampy and I are TMI!?

Rex Hospital is where my mother passed away last year. Your link made me sad and made me smile at the same time. I had no idea what I was getting into when I clicked.

MetalMouse, I visited the old Huntsville Stars a couple times. Nice to see there’s a team back in the area. I’ll probably get there someday.