What's noteworthy about your day in the MMP?

I got nothin’ in terms of interesting July 12 history, but (if I may time-travel six days into the future) July 18 will be the 45th anniversary of The Fire that my family experienced the summer before I turned 5. The man in the apartment above ours fell asleep with a lit cigarette, and the building went up in the middle of the night. Our apartment was a total loss, except magically the contents of one closet – so, we still have pictures from when my little bro and I were babies, etc. We also lost our persian cat, Nona, in the fire. Even though I was very young (and it was a very long time ago), I still have a few clear memories of that night.

Every time you refer to the Mitten State I think of a t-shirt I have: the doggy daycare I use, Dogtopia, has a partnership with themittenstate.com and I bought a shirt that says “Only Talking to Dogs Today” (which is quite often my frame of mind). There’s a little “Mitten State” logo on one of the sleeves. :slight_smile:

Pics or it didn’t happen! :grin:

Ugh. I take it that her husband wouldn’t be any help…?

I’ve got 3 potential dishes in the damp cabinet, drying out a bit so that tomorrow, I can affix feet to them. I didn’t want to get too many started at once - that way lies madness. So once the feet are on these, I can start a new batch. I’ve already decided one is going to look like a giant flower.

In a little while, I’ll head out and bring in the laundry. It’s 88° and very sunny at the moment. As I take the clothes down, I fold them into baskets for each of us. It makes more sense than cramming everything into the baskets, then bringing it all in to fold and sort. But it also means I get to stand out in the sun folding clothes. I’m all for fresh air and sunshine, but self-baking, not so much. Oh, well, at least they were small loads today.

I’m thinking supper will be a casserole with some leftover ham. Or we’ll forage. To be determined…


Nothing comes to mind in more general events, and today’s not been all that noteworthy. One grocery delivery and a load of laundry, plus going back to bed for a few hours after groceries arrived. One out-of-stock and a couple of “oops, forgot” items, but nothing urgent.

For unknown reasons, Hades Annex cannot simply direct deposit my final check, so I’ve been advised I will be getting that via FedEx. I stated a strong lack of desire to make that trip again. No point burning half a day or most of what would have been a day’s pay for just a few minutes of errand there. Must remember to send back my security badge soon. I’m sure it’s deactivated now, but they might still like to reuse it for the next hapless little lamb, and I don’t want the clutter. Doubt my shredder would find it palatable either.

This week is basically a vacation. Slothing, maybe some household tasks. Next week begins the campaign for next job. I’ve already ruled out fast food, unless it gets really desperate, as being too dangerous, considering that just about every day there’s some news story about fast food workers being physically attacked over trivia.

He’s an idiot and an arsehole. They’re not actually married. He drinks, and he’s verbally abusive. He’s been ‘disabled’ for years, but won’t apply for disability because he was turned down once. He’s getting some money for being my sister’s caregiver, but otherwise he lives off of my sister’s disability and the little money leftover from my sister’s share of the rental income after I withhold her property taxes. He’ll do some work like fixing cars or driving a tow truck, but he never gets paid. And he keeps accepting work from the same people.

And I’m an asshole because I won’t give them money from the house’s share of the rent. (Except today, since it would cause me more stress to hear my sister crying at me and BIL swearing at me.)

On this day in 1918 my Mom was born on a farm in rural Iowa. She would have been 103 years old today.

Nothing noteworthy at all, really. I built a peanut platform out of scrap wood for the back deck. Hopefully most of the shells will now fall to the ground instead of getting wedged in between the deck slats.

Oh, and I put out the garbage bins for tomorrow’s pickup; not exactly heady stuff.

We’ll be taking a week on the coast again soon, which will be nice.

There’s a board meeting tomorrow, so El Jefe wants everyone to actually get dressed. I’ve put on a bit of weight the last couple of years, and my pre-lockdown trousers no longer fit. I had to go down to Men’s Wearhouse at lunch and get a couple. A truck kicked up a pebble and put a chip in my relatively new windshield. Well, there’s a chip repair tent at the mall, right? I saw it yesterday. Nope, not today.

Happy Moonday!

Thunderboomers happening now.

I took the day off irk. I seldom take days off, but I’m grumpy as hell, so better off not talking to customers.
We finally got through the website to get my son’s benefits set up. I can check that off the list.
AT&T still needs to be dealt with. They told me 72 hours, so I should be able to finish tomorrow.

Read all but remember nothing.

Howdy Y’all! Da cave is spiffed. In other news, the dryer appears to have died. I got it in my haid to go ahead and was a load of whites (undies, towels, and socks), so I did. Put it all in the dryer and nuttin’. Le Sigh. It’s twelve years old, so we have decided to replace it, cause, might as well. New one has been ordered and will arrive be delivered on July 23rd. Thus, I made a trip to the laundromat down the road to dry stuff. Tomorrow we shall wash stuff and then take it down there to dry. We are havin’ a tstorm right now which should be over by the time I have to go over to the church house for Vestry meetin’.

Took me til 3pm my time (CDT, US) to find you guys and I was getting lonesome.

It’s my rest day after granddaughter wrangling day, so I’m assiduously doing nothing. Which is indistinguishable from every other day. Had a nice day yesterday with Hattie and even got in a couple of nice cuddles with newborn Sorenson, including handling three poopy diapers, which I kind of enjoy as honest, productive labor. Small thrills. Plus it gives his parents a break.

My 13yo roomie and I converged heading for our sole bathroom for our morning pee this morning. I pulled rank and claimed the first whiz-the prerogatives of being very senior. Besides, I was to the door first. She didn’t seem too scarred by the experience. Someday she will understand.

I guess I could characterize this as my pee and poop report. Such is life with nurses.

BBBoo - are you trying to usurp swampy’s TMI title?? :open_mouth:


Casserole is in the toaster oven - no sense heating the whole kitchen with the big oven. Laundry is down, folded, and put away - it wasn’t bad out there. The sun was beyond a tree, so the deck was partly shaded, and there was a slight breeze. All in all, rather pleasant. Also, I loaded the dishwasher and ran a rinse cycle. After supper, I’ll run a proper clean cycle. That should be my last chore of the day. Not bad for a Moanday!

Thunderstorms are possible here tonight, but as of 4:58pm ET the skies are still blue. I think the chances increase later on. My love of thunderstorms has been tempered over the past 12.5 years by how much my dog hates them, but I really do hope we get a good 'un: the humidity today has been utterly rude.

It’s just about time for me to knock off work – i.e., turn off the laptops and walk the 6-7 feet from my third bedroom to the living room (back to the office tomorrow!). I’m planning tuna melts on English muffins for dinner, and I’m very excited. I grew up calling them “tuna burgers.” I haven’t made them in a long time. There’s always mayo and sometimes tuna in the house, but I have to plan ahead for the English muffins and the Kraft cheese slices. Like Seanette I had groceries delivered today, and I remembered to order everything I need! They’ll make my dog happy, too, because I’ll split the leftover Kraft slices with her over the course of the week. Some folks don’t consider them to be “real” cheese, but Bailey and I love them.

Johnny_L.A: Oh damn, the situation with your sister and her SO sounds horrible. I’m so sorry you have to deal with that.

longhair75: Happy birthday to your mom!

He’s in Georgetown, which is apparently one of the reddest bastions in that red state, despite being just 20-some miles from Austin. Sadly, he’s fitting right in, and getting pulled further right by the day.

*{{{Polar and taters}}}

wordy, the flying tree roaches have numbers under their wings. Sis heard me clear downstairs when I encountered one whilst taking a shower at her apartment years ago.

Welcome back flytrap

What team are you going to see wheelie? I’ve gotten to the point where I prefer minor league anymore.

I take it that you have left Hades Annex behind you seanette. Good for you!

Ten years ago today, Sherwood Schwartz, creator of Gilligan’s Island and other sitcoms, left us.

I’m back from my trip. The reunion was good, although I did suggest to one of the coordinators that we would want to consider handicap accessible for #45. I had a good visit with some friends that I hadn’t seen for a while.

Nelson stayed with Dad while I went. Dad said that he cried and howled for the first hour. He had to distract him by playing multiple rounds of fetch. :stuck_out_tongue:

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

Yep, hit the “I’m done with this” point on Friday and bailed.

I laughed. Or I guess I should say, I LOL’d.

Hey, my cats are all UP in my lap. Since they supervise my pooping, I call them my poopervisors.

HowdyY’all! Back to da cave after Vestry meetin’. Actually been back a little while but needed to wind down a bit. Dealin’ with all this church bidness stuff means I need chill time for a little bit afterward. We had bbq stuffed baked N.O.T. Baked N.O.T. filled with bbq (with a really good sweet and smokey sauce), cheese, bacon bits, little green onions, and ‘shrooms. Dessert was chawklit puddin’ with some chawklit crunchy stuff. YUM!

Evening all. Ended up taking a short nap that was interrupted by the Cook’s Pest control folks knocking on the door to do their usual inspection. Culver’s provided the evening’s hamburger (I like crinkle-cut fries, but theirs always seem to get cold and tasteless real fast–but the burger is good) which is happily assimilating.

red, glad you had a good reunion.

BBBoo, I will forbear a pee and poop report except to say my numbers (so far) have added up to 9.

flyboy, know what it’s like with the trousers. And hope the chip gets fixed soon. And sorry to hear about the relations…

Happy rememberance of Mom Birthday, hippy.

Best wishes on the upcoming job hunt, Seanette.

Oopsie, glad you and your family survived the fire (you didn;t say, but I suspect the man who started it probably didn’t).

OK, going to watch some guys hit home runs off of batting practice pitches and maybe catch a new series (“Titans”, from DC Comics…what can I say, I’m a comics geek). All y’all take care.

Holy sh*t y’all. We’ve plumbed new depths of TMI.

Nettie I’m glad you’re out of HA.

Congratulations on your egress, Seanette!

And I’m glad to hear you won the whiz contest, Boo. I used to think talking about pee and poop was gross. Then my mom convinced me it was inappropriate and unladylike. Fast forward to now, when if you’re related to me and live in this town I’ve probably wiped and/or cleaned your backside at some point, whether you’re an adult, a child or somewhere in between. Poop and pee reports seem entirely appropriate now.